Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cokie Roberts is a G-d Damned Idiot and a Lying Republican Shill

She has actually criticized Barack Obama for going on vacation in Hawaii because it's too "exotic" and it will offend average Americans.

I guess nobody told Roberts that Obama was born in Hawaii, went to high school there, and still has family there.

I further guess that no one told Roberts that Hawaii was admitted to the Union almost 50 years ago.

In truth, there is NOTHING that Obama can do that the McCain loving whores of the national media like Roberts will NOT criticize or smear him with. Roberts gets a lot of speaking fees from corporate interests, and she is now simply one of their many mouthpieces in the national media. In other words, she's a lying right-wing hack. There are so many of them, however, that you may not have noticed.

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