Are you f---king kidding me?
I had been reluctant to acknowledge how flawed and dead the conservative movement has become; that's over now. No more excuses, no more clinging to old visions of rational discourse and principled debate. I really have witnessed the death of conservatism and its replacement by a kind of toxic babbitry which would be merely laughable or cringeworthy if it were not also so extraordinarily dangerous.
This election year has been a series of revelations and disillusionments--the crudely ugly tactics of Limbaugh and Hannity (and--worse--their embrace by Buckley's heirs at National Review), the thinly-veiled racism and nativism of the campaign against Obama, the transparently cruel and God-hating ideology of movement Christians; but--even though dismayed by McCain's bizarre campaign--I had retained some illusions as recently as this morning. I believed McCain to be at least a patriot, sincerely concerned with issues of national security.
His nomination of Sarah Palin ended that illusion, too.
No remotely serious politician--no honest patriot--would think of placing this individual a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, however admirable she may be, however lively her biography.
Moreover, the elation on the right regarding Palin's nomination made clear to me that none of them has ever been remotely serious about national security, either. On the contrary, as the left has insisted for years, for them it really has all been about political advantage, noise and bluster and ugliness with no core of principle, no genuine strategic commitment.
The very same people who, only yesterday, insisted that Obama's resume was too dangerously thin to entrust him with the oversight of our national security, today are celebrating Palin's accession as a triumph for conservatism (evidently this is because she is hostile to both abortion and polar bears). Their hypocrisy is staggering--they truly do believe in nothing but their own entitlement to power by any means.
And I'm very much afraid I must conclude this is as true of McCain as it is of his ghastly cheerleaders, the Limbaughs and the Hannitys. Nothing else could explain the elevation of a woman so singularly unqualified in every aspect save gender.
Just before Super Bowl XX, Steve McMichael of the Chicago Bears threw a folding chair at a blackboard, smashing it to pieces. He then said, "I'm ready." For the first time, I understand what he meant.
Any reasonably alert observer knows the vicious, unprincipled depths to which the Radical Right, i.e., the modern Republican Party and its hacks, will sink in their attempt to destroy Barack Obama. In case you need to see them all in one place, these are attacks that McCain and his thugs have ACTUALLY made:
Obama is a traitor
Obama may just be the AntiChrist.
Obama is a secret Muslim pro-terrorist Manchurian candidate.
Obama is a Marxist.
Obama is just a paper-thin "celebrity"
Obama hates the troops.
Obama is an ally of terrorists here in America.
Obama is an elitist who despises white middle class Americans.
Obama is simply an "affirmative action" candidate.
Obama is soft on crime.
Obama wants to kill live babies.
And the list goes on an on and on.
These observers have also seen, with varying degrees of outrage and disbelief, how McCain's huge fan club in the Corporate Media is doing everything it can to put McCain in the White House. (CNN's atrociously bad coverage of the convention is just one of a thousand examples). Republican hacks like Giuliani are allowed to spread lying bullshit with impunity. Right wing hate radio has gone into overdrive. And millions of ugly, lying emails are circulating. Since I was a Republican up until 1991, none of this surprises me, but I continue to be surprised by the inability of many of my beloved Democratic friends to understand something:
By "fight dirty" I do NOT mean make up lies about the Republicans.
I do not mean to ally ourselves with idiots like the so-called "Vietnam Veterans Against McCain".
I mean, we have to be willing to tell the ugly truth about this son of a bitch again and again and againWe need to hit him on his philandering, lying, and cheating on his loyal first wife HARD. A lot of Americans hate people who cheat like that, including many social conservatives. Mention it AGAIN AND AGAIN.
We need to call McCain what he is: A DAMNED LIAR who will do or say ANYTHING to win. And yes, we need to use the word LIAR. The Swiftboat Assholes used that term against Kerry EXPLICITLY. It was a falsehood coming from them. When we call McCain a liar, it is simply the bare truth.
We need to call McCain a CROOK, because it's true. From his wife's Mob-infested family to his connections with shady underworld figures In Arizona to his corrupt land deals to the Keating Five scandal to covering up 95% of the Abramoff evidence, McCain is simply a slimy, two-bit hustler. Start hitting him in those terms.
We need to remind people of how McCain has basically simply defecated on veterans in America, highlighting his atrocious, anti-veteran voting record. We need to remind people of how McCain has attacked POW-MIA groups. And we need to remind people that REAL heroes don't run around reminding people of their heroism every 5 minutes. I had four uncles who served in the Pacific in World War II. I never ONCE heard any of them brag about their service--not once. McCain is dragging every veteran through the mud every time he uses his POW card to deflect any criticism. That shit has GOT to stop.
And we need to stop the constant genuflecting to McCain's service. Remember the fucking Purple Heart bandages from the 2004 Republican Convention if you don't agree.
I know what some of you will say. You'll say things like "We don't lower ourselves to their level" and "we take the high road". My God, I just shake my head in disbelief when I read or hear stuff like that. When I was a Republican we used to LOVE to run against Democrats like that, because they didn't have the spine and the guts to stick up for themselves. They didn't do what needed to be done. And they lost--again and again and again. Republican views are perverse and atrocious, but Republicans will do ANYTHING to win. That's why this Ayers shit might stick. It's why the Radical Muslim shit is still circulating.
Take it from an ex-Republican: the Republican Convention next week is going to be a NON STOP HATE FESTIVAL AGAINST OBAMA. There will be NOTHING but the crudest, most vicious attacks on him. You and I both know it. And if, by 5 September, McCain is in the lead nationally, it will be very hard to overturn that lead. And don't give me this crap about the debates, because the Corporate Media will set the bar impossibly high for Obama and ridiculously low for McCain. If McCain doesn't keel over or wet himself, he'll be declared the winner. Remember the first 2000 Debate if you don't buy that argument.
Too many of my fellow Democrats are just too G-d damned NICE. It's part of why I love you. You have decent instincts and a sense of fair play. But we're in a WAR we must win. The Republicans are your ENEMIES. I guarantee that's how they see you and talk about you. Many of them hate you. Some of them actively advocate killing people like you. (Michael Reagan called for Howard Dean to be killed, for example. Limbaugh has called for the killing of liberals. Exterminationist rhetoric is very common on the Right.) If these people win again, in what should be a Democratic landslide year, the consequences will be tragic. Every loyal, patriotic kid who is killed in the wars McCain will start will, in one sense, be blood on our hands because we weren't willing to tell the ugly truth--that John McCain is a mentally unstable, lying crook.
Barack won't do it. The Democratic Convention won't do it. The fierce language of truth will be up to us, the soldiers in the campaign trenches, to use. Our country is dying. If we don't win this because we wanted to play nice, it will be the ultimate betrayal.
Trust me on this--I've seen this kind of right wing hate campaign from the inside. It's part of why I had to leave. But you know something:
It works.
Get used to it. And roll up your sleeves.
And G-d damn it, FIGHT DIRTY.
In 1998, Liddy's home was the site of a McCain fundraiser. Over the years, he has made at least four contributions totaling $5,000 to the senator's campaigns--including $1,000 this year.
Last November, McCain went on his radio show. Liddy greeted him as "an old friend," and McCain sounded like one. "I'm proud of you, I'm proud of your family," he gushed. "It's always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great."
[Adolf Hitler] was G Gordon Liddy's first political hero. Liddy was a sickly, asthmatic child when he grew up in Hoboken, New Jersey, in the 1930s. The town was full of ethnic Germans who idolized Hitler. Liddy was made to salute the Stars and Stripes Nazi-style by the nuns at his school; even now, he admits, "at assemblies where the national anthem is played, I must suppress the urge to snap out my right arm." His beloved German nanny taught him that Hitler had -- through sheer will-power -- "dragged Germany from weakness to strength."
This gave Liddy hope "for the first time in my life" that he too could overcome weakness. When he listened to Hitler on the radio, it "made me feel a strength inside I had never known before," he explains. "Hitler's sheer animal confidence and power of will [entranced me]. He sent an electric current through my body." He describes seeing the Nazis' doomed technological marvel the Hindenberg flying over New Jersey as an almost religious experience. "Ecstatic, I drank in its colossal power and felt myself grow. Fear evaporated and in its place came a sense of personal might and power."
Liddy: When the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms thugs come to kill your wife and children, to try to disarm you and they open fire on you. When they come at the point of a gun, force and violence, when you're going to defend yourself, use that Gerand [M-1 rifle]. That thing is 30-06, and it'll take 'em right out.
Caller: And yes, aim for the head.
Liddy: Absolutely.
If Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich or Oliver North missed the Sept. 15 show, the Sept. 6 show would have helped them understand this Republican supporter's character.
Liddy: Arm yourself. Get instructed in how to shoot straight.
Caller: I've got weapons.
Liddy: Absolutely. And don't give 'em up, and don't register either.
Caller: No way. And I'm aiming between the eyes.
Liddy: There you go. That way their flak jackets won't protect them.
For the listeners to Liddy's 250 stations, appeals for the election of Republican candidates were sandwiched between frequent depictions of the Clinton administration as an evil that needed to be resisted with deadly force. That may explain why Liddy was invited to be the guest of honor at the Republican Party's "Salute to Talk Radio."
While the Nixon administration was spraying tonnes of napalm and poison over Vietnam, he complained the policy was "too soft." He says now, "I wanted to bomb the Red River dykes [sic: dikes]. It would have drowned half the country and starved the other half. There would have been no way the Viet Cong could have operated if we had the will-power to do that."
"... What I'm saying is we had better embrace the horror of war. If you aren't tough, if you don't pull out all the stops, you lose." So all of the conventions created in the wake of the Second World War - the Geneva Conventions, the very concept of war crimes - these are all just polite fictions to be crumpled? "Of course. The Seventh Infantry Division in 1945 used to drive their tanks around with the heads of defeated Japanese solders displayed proudly on the front. That's what we need to train our present-day soldiers to be." Returning to Vietnam, he adds that the French -- the colonial power preceding the Americans -- succeeded in Vietnam because "they were using the Foreign Legion, then manned almost completely by veterans from the most disciplined, ruthlessly efficient practitioners of all-out warfare in history: the Waffen SS."
G. Gordon Liddy's comment in 1995, when discussing how he'd used stick figures of the Clintons for target practice. "Thought it might improve my aim," he said.
But the actual techniques used on McCain, and the lies they were designed to legitimize, are a matter of historical record. And the government of the United States now practices the very same techniques that the Communist government of North Vietnam once proudly used against American soldiers. When they are used against future John McCains, the victims will know, in a way McCain didn't, that their own government has no moral standing to complain.
Now the kicker: in the Military Commissions Act, McCain acquiesced to the use of these techniques against terror suspects by the CIA. And so the tortured became the enabler of torture. Someone somewhere cried out in pain for the same reasons McCain once did. And McCain let it continue.
These are the prices people pay for power.
Senator Do-Nothing, The D.C. Fraud
You’d think that if someone in the Senate was running for president, he’d at least have DONE something in his time there to merit consideration.
You know, that he’d be someone who has actually ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING.
Yes, it’s really too bad that John McCain is a do-nothing fraud running for an office he doesn’t deserve.
What’s the record, you say? I’m glad you asked:
When Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal—a REPUBLICAN--was asked if he could think of ANY big idea McCain is campaigning on, he COULDN’T THINK OF ONE! Look here:
Former Governor Mitt Romney—a REPUBLICAN-- said he can’t think of ANY idea John McCain has ever had on energy policy. (But that’s OK—McCain just approved of whatever Bush and Cheney told him to.)
And legislative accomplishments? McCAIN’S OWN WEB SITE ONLY LISTS ONE IN ALMOST 22 YEARS IN THE SENATE—a law McCain no longer stands by!!
The truth is, McCain has done virtually NOTHING in Congress. He talks big, but in the end, he simply supports Bush 95% of the time.
And you can’t tell what be believes, either. He’s FLIP-FLOPPED positions on major issues OVER SIXTY TIMES.
Here is a list of SOME of the issues that McCain has FLIP FLOPPED on:
Social Security (he wants to PRIVATIZE it!)
Tax Cuts
Roe v. Wade
Gay Marriage
Offshore drilling (he OPPOSED it until 2 months ago!)
Equal pay for women
John McCain says: "My friends, we have reached a crisis, the first probably serious crisis internationally since the end of the Cold War. This is an act of aggression."
Let's run-down the list. Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, followed by the US expulsion of Iraq from Kuwait. Collapse of Yugoslavia and subsequent wars of aggression between successor states. US invasion of Afghanistan. US invasion of Iraq. There are a slew of other examples of serious international crises over last 16-18 years.
Yes, this is the absolute moron that the Republicans want us to put in power. He'd like us to forget the last eight years. But guess what? We're not going to.
I know I've made this point in various ways in several posts over the last day or so. But watching John McCain speak about the Georgian crisis in the video below should deeply worry anyone interested in a sane US foreign policy -- or the safety of their children. One arch joke from the earlier part of this decade was that the one good thing about the neocons obsession with getting into a war with Iraq was that it distracted them from their much bigger obsessions -- ratcheting up Cold Wars with China and/or Russia.
The people that are pulling McCain's strings are the people who want to push us into a new Cold War with the Russians -- and ironically and a bit improbably with the Chinese too. But the Russians are probably more willing to oblige us since their power remains limited to oil reserves and military power. In other words, they're people McCain's folks can understand and vice versa.
McCain is going out of his way to cast this as a replay of 1938 and 1939. Is it really in our interest to get into a renewed Cold War with Russia right now? Do we have the military resources for a proxy/advisor war in the Caucasus at the moment? Should we find ourselves in the situation where the Russians want to reassert their sway in Eastern Europe, we would have some very serious and consequential decisions to make. But this just is not that. The key is that McCain, both in terms of policy and temperament, wants to court that result.
It's sort of funny when he's just an unhinged senator. But think for a moment where we'd be if this man were president right now, as he may well be in six months. This man takes the counsel of the people who got us into the Iraq War. On foreign policy, he is in league with the people who were so extreme they've now largely been kicked out of the Bush administration. People like John Bolton and others like him.
It's beyond Obama or political strategy or dinging McCain on this or that policy.
This man is simply too dangerous and unstable to be president. People need to wake up and get a look of the preview he's giving us of a McCain presidency.