Monday, March 02, 2009

Why in the HELL is Karl Rove on ABC Talking About the Economy?!?

The cancer that is Karl Rove was invited to be on ABC's This Week to talk about the current economic disaster, one which Karl Rove played a major role in bringing about. Rove was even allowed to use his utterly undeserved platform to attack Barack Obama's efforts to undo the damage that BUSH, CHENEY, and ROVE inflicted over the last eight years. Arianna Huffington has it 100% right here: Rove is trying to create a false history of the last eight years, one which is a complete and utter lie. As I said, why in the hell is he even there on television presenting this atrocious rewriting of the truth?

And again: WHY IS THIS SON OF A BITCH NOT IN JAIL FOR CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS? He's ignoring a subpoena. A subpoena is not a request, it's an order. Rove is simply spitting on the law, as he has done so very often in the past. 

But I guess when you're a wealthy conservative, you get to ignore the law with impunity in this country.

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