Sunday, March 22, 2009

Excellent Rant by John Cole

It's about the shifting definition of conservatism, a definition that tries to defend the essential timelessness and decency of this repulsive, selfishness-oriented political philosophy. It deserves your attention, definitely. My favorite excerpt:

I am so sick and tired of these “esoteric” discussions about the flawless, formless, and timeless beauty of conservatism. It is utter nonsense. We got unchecked “conservatism” the past eight years, and instead of water, it felt more like urine, as they pissed all over us. Conservatism brought us an expanded surveillance state, intervention into a man’s marriage, unchecked budgets, war of aggression, torture, a rejection and mockery of both science and the rule of law, the unchecked executive branch, and on and on and on. The conservative standard bearers are now Sarah Palin and Eric Cantor and Rush Limbaugh and Joe the Plumber.


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