Monday, March 09, 2009

McCain's Daughter Tears Into Psychopath Coulter

Raw Story has the summary here.

Yes folks, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and all the other ranting, raving trash like them ARE the leaders of the Republican Party. They stir up the hatreds and fears of the lowest members of the Republican "base" and no party official has the guts to cross them. I've argued for a long time that the Democrats should be tying these thugs and goons around the GOP's neck. The smarter and more insightful Republicans know the damage that a sewer rat like Coulter can do to the party's image, but it's too late--when the GOP was on top, these smart Republicans remained silent about the filth pouring out of the far right's propagandists. Now that the GOP is in trouble, they're trying to wriggle free of them.

As I said--too late. You lived with them. Now die with them.

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