Monday, March 16, 2009

By the Way, the 2012 Doomsayers Are Complete Lunatics

Want to step into a true insane asylum? Check this out--it's your one-stop 2012 DOOMSDAY site!!! Take a look at it. Look at the links on the left side. It's a compendium of sheer lunacy, mumbo-jumbo, fraud, and delusion: I Ching, Nostradamus, Planet X, Mayan Prophecy, Edgar Cayce, End Times Prophecies, the works. (They threw an Einstein link in to look respectable , I guess, even though I suspect Einstein would be shocked at the idiocy of these people.)  To be perfectly honest, the people who run this site may be doing it as a put-on, watching the rubes log on while the site administrators laugh. But it might just be real.

Irrationality pervades our society. Creationism, numerology, astrology, belief in psychic healing, Scientology, belief in pet psychics (!), and all manner of end-of-the-world craziness are fervently embraced. I want to believe in my fellow citizens. But a lot of them live in dream worlds rather than the real one, and that sobers me in my hopes for the future.

(BTW, the antidote to this 2012 lunacy can be found here. And I could not help but note the irony of the ads at the top of the site's page.)

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