Saturday, April 04, 2009

More Tragic RIGHT-WING Violence

The horrible deaths of three police officers in Pittsburgh caused by a right-wing fanatic is DIRECTLY the result of the reckless, traitorous, homicidal dog shit coming out of the mouths of people like Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachmann, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and all the other right wing scum who have been talking about President Obama as if he were some kind of Communist foreign invader. The brain-addled schmuck loser who killed these brave officers said that he was afraid Obama was going to seize all his guns and that the country was headed downward. 

Are you happy and proud all you right-wing media assholes? Are you proud of your good obedient boy in Pittsburgh gunning down police officers? THIS KIND OF TRAGEDY IS ON YOUR HEADS, YOU SEWER RATS. Your rhetoric encourages credulous, weak-minded people like the 23 year-old killer who has now plunged three families into a lifetime of mourning.  You talk about violence, revolution, and secession. You casually call our president every despicable name in the book and hurl every lie at him imaginable. So don't sit there and pretend to be shocked by the deaths of these three good cops.

In a sense, you helped kill them.

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