Thursday, February 28, 2008
John Hagee: Lunatic, War Advocate, Con Man, McCain Supporter
Rapture Ready: The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour from huffpost on Vimeo.
(Hat tip to Ryan for alerting me to this.)
Tim Russert's Double Standard for McCain
TG: If you use the Bible as the basis for policy, is there any room for compromise? And if you use the bible as the basis for policy, should Muslims use the Koran as the basis for their policy, and then again, what possible basis is there for compromise at that point?
JH: There is really no room for compromise between radical Islam --
TG: I'm not talking about radical Islam. I'm just talking about Islam in general.
JH: Well Islam in general -- those who live by the Koran have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews.
JH: All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that.
The newspaper carried the story in our local area, that was not carried nationally, that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it would was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other gay pride parades.
So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the Day of Judgment, and I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.
A small minority of evangelical Christians have entered the Middle East political arena with some of the most un-Christian statements I have ever heard. . . . [Rev.] Hagee, a popular televangelist who leads the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, ratcheted up his rhetoric this year with the publication of his book, "Jerusalem Countdown," in which he argues that a confrontation with Iran is a necessary precondition for Armageddon (which will mean the death of most Jews, in his eyes) and the Second Coming of Christ. In the best-selling book, Hagee insists that the United States must join Israel in a preemptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
John McCain OWNS the Iraq War
Almost 4,000 dead Americans
About 30,000 wounded Americans
Countless thousands of soldiers and Marines with PTSD
Anywhere from 100,000 to perhaps 600,000 dead Iraqi civilians
Some 2,000,000 permanently displaced Iraqi civilians
Five hundred billion dollars spent on the war--so far
The colossal damage done to U.S. foreign policy interests
The presence of Al Qaeda in Iraq (since they weren't there before)
Remember, people, McCain has ASKED for this. So remember:
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Georgie Boy Strike Again!
Yes, ALL of the progress made in reducing the national debt to GDP ratio has been undone in the last seven years. This quote from Angry Bear says it best. Referring to the progress Clinton made, he says:
Of course, George W. Bush wanted to change all that so he pushed for the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and signed the Prescription Drug Benefit and has engaged our nation in a costly war that has had the unfortunate side effects of reviving Al Qaeda and making Iran the dominant player in the Middle East. Not only is the debt to GDP ratio projected to pass where it was as of 1992, it is projected to pass where it was in 1996.
If Bush’s tax cuts are made permanent and if this Iraq War continues, what is to change this upward trajectory for the debt to GDP ratio? If John McCain thinks ending earmarks will be sufficient fiscal restraint, let me suggest that he does not even understand arithmetic.
Yes, folks, Bush screwed us all royally. And now his good friend John wants to keep screwing us every way from Sunday as well.
Don't say you weren't warned.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Soviet America
Now, let me tell you what has been going on. As 60 Minutes was putting its show together, the White House put pressure on CBS -- the parent company -- to kill the show. Over the last few days, as word got out that the 60 Minutes show would air tonight, Karl Rove's associates began planting defamatory stories about journalists working on this story (see example here) and attacking the whistle-blower who came forward, Dana Jill Simpson. If you recall, Ms. Simpson testified, under oath, to Congress about Karl Rove's involvement in politicizing the DOJ. What you may not know, however, is that her house mysteriously caught fire and she was run off the road in the weeks leading up to her testimony. [Emphasis added]
Damn, this crap is getting scary. If you're a progressive, this will piss you off. If you're any kind of American, it SHOULD piss you off. Make sure you look at the links if you think I'm exaggerating.
Just what in the HELL is going on in America? Why is the former Democratic governor of Alabama in prison? And why ISN'T Karl Rove?
Here, by the way, is the 60 Minutes Story. (There is a brief commercial message preceding it.)
Well, Let's See
2. He claims to stand on principle but he's kowtowed to the Radical Right on taxes and torture, and he's crawled to the Religious Right's leadership and basically kissed their asses.
3. He's embraced and endorsed the people who smeared him and his family in 2000 because his fanatical ambition trumps his family loyalty.
4. He lies constantly about points 1-3.
5. He jokes about bombing Iran.
6. He says he'll stay in Iraq for 100 years if necessary.
7. He has an explosive, unstable temper.
8. He will extend all of the Bush Administration's attacks on the Constitution and all of its disastrous economic policies.
9. He criticizes Bush for not vetoing bills that he (himself) voted for.
10. He promises a lot more war in the future.
But, other than that, McCain would make one hell of a president.
Friday, February 22, 2008
McCain Has FIFTY-NINE (Yes, 59) Lobbyists Raising Money for Him
Straight Talk Express? More like the Double Talk Express.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Obama's U.S. Senate Record
Of the 15 bills Senator Obama sponsored or co-sponsored in 2005-7 that became law:
Two addressed foreign policy: Promote relief, security and democracy in the Congo (2125) Develop democratic institutions in areas under Palestinian control (2370).
Three addressed public health: Improve mine safety (2803) Increased breast cancer funding (597) Reduce preterm delivery and complications, reduce infant mortality (707).
Two addressed openness and accountability in government: Strengthening the Freedom of Information Act (2488) Full disclosure of all entities receiving federal funds (2590)
Two addressed national security Extend Terrorist Risk Insurance (467) Amend the Patriot Act (2167)
One addressed the needs of the Armed Forces Wave passport fees to visit graves, attend memorials/funerals of veterans abroad (1184).
Of the 570 bills Senator Obama introduced into the Senate during the 109th and 110th Congress (Senate Bill numbers are in parentheses), they can be summarized as follows:
25 addressed Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Suspend royalty relief for oil and gas (115) Reduce dependence on oil; use of alternative energy sources (133) Increase fuel economy standards for cars (767, 768) Auto industry incentives for fuel efficient vehicles (1151) Reduce green house gas emissions (1324) Establish at NSF a climate change education program (1389) Increase renewable content of gasoline (2202) Energy emergency relief for small businesses and farms (269) Strategic gasoline and fuel reserves (1794) Alternative diesel standards (3554) Coal to liquid fuel promotion (3623) Renewable diesel standards (1920) Reducing global warming pollution from vehicles (2555) Fuel security and consumer choice (1994, 2025) Alternative energy refueling system (2614) Climate change education (1389) Low income energy assistance (2405) Oil savings targets (339) Fuel economy reform (3694) Plug-in electric drive vehicles (1617) Nuclear release notice (2348) Passenger rail investment (294) Energy relief for low income families (2405)
21 addressed Health Care Drug re-importation (334) Health information technology (1262, 1418) Discount drug prices (2347) Health care associated infections (2278) Hospital quality report cards (692, 1824) Medical error disclosure and compensation (1784) Emergency medical care and response (1873) Stem cell research (5) Medical Malpractice insurance (1525) Health centers renewal (901, 3771) Children’s health insurance (401) Home health care (2061) Medicare independent living (2103) Microbicides for HIV/AIDS (823) Ovarian cancer biomarker research (2569) Gynological cancers (1172) Access to personalized medicine through use of human genome (976) Paralysis research and care (1183)
20 addressed Public Health: Violence against women (1197) Biodefense and pandemic preparedness and response (1821, 1880) Viral influenza control (969) End homelessness (1518) Reduce STDs/unintended pregnancy (1790) Smoking prevention and tobacco control (625) Minority health improvement and disparity elimination (4024) Nutrition and physical education in schools (2066) Health impact assessments (1067, 2506) Healthy communities (1068) Combat methamphetamines (2071) Paid sick leave (910) Prohibit mercury sales (833, 1818) Prohibit sale of lead products (1306, 2132) Lead exposure in children (1811, 2132)
14 address Consumer Protection/Labor Stop unfair labor practices (842) Fair minimum wage (2, 1062, 2725, 3829) Internet freedom (2917) Credit card safety (2411) Media ownership (2332) Protecting taxpayer privacy (2484) Working family child assistance (218) Habeus Corpus Restoration (185) Bankruptcy protection for employees and retirees (2092) FAA fair labor management dispute resolution (2201) Working families flexibility (2419).
13 addressed the Needs of Veterans and the Armed Forces: Improve Benefits (117) Suicide prevention (479) Needs of homeless veterans (1180) Homes for veterans (1084) GI Bill enhancement (43) Military job protection Dignity in care for wounded vets (713) Housing assistance for low income veterans (1084) Military children in public schools (2151) Military eye injury research and care (1999) Research physical/mental health needs from Iraq War (1271) Proper administration of discharge for personality disorder (1817, 1885) Security of personal data of veterans (3592)
12 addressed Congressional Ethics and Accountability Lobbying and ethics reform (230) Stop fraud (2280) Legislative transparency and accountability (525) Open government (2180, 2488) Restoring fiscal discipline (10) Transparency and integrity in earmarks (2261) Accountability of conference committee deliberations and reports (2179) Federal funding accountability and transparency (2590) Accountability and oversight for private security functions under Federal contract (674) Accountability for contractors and personnel under federal contracts (2147) Resctrictions awarding government contracts (2519)
10 addressed Foreign Policy: Iraq war de-escalation (313) US policy for Iraq (433), Divestiture from Iran (1430) Sudan divestment authorization (831) Millennium Development Goals (2433) Multilateral debt relief (1320) Development bank reform (1129) Nuclear nonproliferation (3131,977,2224).
9 address Voting/Elections Prohibit deceptive practices in Federal elections (453) Voter access to polls and services in Federal elections (737) Voter intimidation and deceptive practices (1975) Senate campaign disclosure parity (185) Require reporting for bundled campaign contributions (2030) Election jamming prevention (4102) Campaign disclosure parity (223) Presidential funding (2412) Integrity of electronic voting systems (1487)
11 addressed Education Increase access of low income African Americans to higher education (1513) Establish teaching residency programs (1574) Increase early intervention services (2111) Middle school curriculum improvements (2227) Public database of scholarships, fellowships and financial aid (2428) Summer learning programs (116) TANF financial education promotion (924) Higher education (1642) Build capacity at community colleges (379) Campus law enforcement in emergencies (1228) Support for teachers (2060).
6 addressed Hurrican Katrina Hurricane Katrina recovery (2319) Emergency relief (1637) Bankruptcy relief and community protection (1647) Working family tax relief (2257) Fair wages for recovery workers (1749) Gulf coast infrastructure redevelopment (1836)
5 addressed the Environment Drinking water security (218, 1426) Water resources development (728) Waste water treatment (1995) Combat illegal logging (1930) Spent nuclear fuel tracking and Acountability (1194) Asian Carp Prevention and Control Act (Introduced in Senate)[S.726.IS ]
4 addressed Discrimination Claims for civil class action based on discrimination (1989) Domestic partnership benefits (2521) Unresolved civil rights crimes (535) Equality or two parent families (2286)
4 addressed Homeland Security Judicial review of FISA orders (2369) National emergency family locator (1630) Amend US Patriot Act (2167) Chemical security and safety (2486)
Like I said, impressive.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Vile Hate Campaign That is Building Against Obama
Most importantly of all, the guardians of our political discourse -- the Chris Matthews and Howie Kurtzs and Mark Halperins and The Politicos, all of whom dwell in Matt Drudge's kingdom -- traffic almost exclusively in puerile, vapid fixations with these types of petty conflicts and substance-free controversies. They're the decadent ringleaders of the freak show which dominates our political discourse and dictates the outcome of our elections. ...
It's vitally important to remember that our political life is suffuse with lowlifes and hatemongers like this. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter -- the heart and soul of the right-wing -- aren't going anywhere, nor are the media-connected, Swiftboat-spewing operatives who function in the shadows and the sewers. As Digby pointed out yesterday, the Right has already created a new, extremely well-funded organization -- overseen by the incomparably slimy and truth-free Ari Fleischer -- preparing to unleash exactly this sort of bile. As Digby said, the Democratic primary is exceedingly polite when compared to what is coming: "Just wait until you see what Ari Fleischer and his quarter of a billion have in store for us."
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
OK, I Give Up. I'm Switching My Endorsement to Neutral
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
John McCain: Moral Sell-Out
This isn't the first time he's caved on this issue. (Read this; it will shock the hell out of you.) But it's a particularly craven sell-out, inasmuch as McCain is simply trying to curry favor among the knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who comprise the pro-torture "base" of the Republican Party, people who have no idea what this country is about and, moreover, don't give a damn. McCain wants to be a hero to these lowlifes. That's why he is betraying his own deepest principles.
Gee, John, maybe Ann Coulter will like you now.
A Cheney Play List from Lance

Man, that Cheney image is gonna give me a seizure!
BTW, check out Lance's bizarre, wonderful blog Pizza Teen here.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Myth of McCain the "Moderate" and "Independent"
The John McCain they fell in love with in 2000 -- the straight-shooting, let-the-chips-fall-where-they-may maverick - is no more. He's been replaced by a born-again Bushite willing to say or do anything to win the affection of his newfound object of desire, the radical right.
And we've got the money shot of his betrayal on tape: McCain singing the praises of Karl Rove, calling him "one of the smartest political minds in America," and saying, "I'd be glad to get his advice."...
What is it going to take for you guys to face reality? McCain verbally stroking Rove should be the equivalent of that great scene at the end of The Godfather where Diane Keaton's Kay watches in horror as Al Pacino transforms, in the kiss of a ring, from her loving husband Michael into the next Don Corleone. This ain't the same man you married.
Of course, McCain's embrace of Rove is just the latest proof that the new McCain bears no relation to the old.
The old John McCain once rightly called Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and like-minded religious bigots "agents of intolerance." The new John McCain now slavishly seeks their endorsement.
The old John McCain talked about trying to do something about global warming and encourage renewable energy. The new John McCain didn't show up for a vote last week on a bill that included tax incentives for clean energy, even though he was in DC. And then his staff misled environmentalists who called to protest by telling them that he had voted for it.
The old John McCain once stood tall as a fearless leader on immigration, co-sponsoring a humane, bipartisan reform bill with Ted Kennedy. The new John McCain, when asked during a recent GOP debate whether he would support his own proposal, replied: "No, I would not." In other words, he was for his core beliefs before he was against them.
So McCan has backed an amendment that would limit the right to habeas corpus, has endorsed an Arizona constitutional amendment that would not only ban gay marriage but deny benefits to unmarried couples of any kind (lest those pesky gay people find some kind of loophole), and has discovered a newfound support for teaching "intelligent design" in schools.
The old John McCain once tried to take the mantle of true conservatism away from George W. Bush. The new John McCain is now essentially running to give America a third Bush term - and, indeed, will even out-Bush Bush when it comes to staying the disastrous course we're on in Iraq.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Ann Coulter's Ranting Hatred, Part 792
"A serious case could be made to support Hillary Clinton," she declared, offering the analogy of Winston Churchill backing Stalin in the fight against Hitler in WWII. "I'm not equating Hillary Clinton to Stalin, and if I did I apologize to Stalin's decedents... I'm not comparing McCain to Hitler. Hitler had a coherent tax policy." Later, she added, "The only way I can promise that I won't vote for Hillary Clinton is if John McCain appoints her as his vice president."
Yes, Hillary is worse than Stalin, but not even she is as bad as McCain, who is evidently worse than Hitler.
As insane and beyond the pale as those remarks were, for me this was even worse:
As for former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani: He "enthusiastically supported torturing terrorists," she said to great applause. "McCain hysterically opposes dripping water down the terrorist's noses."
Yes, folks, in order to be a REAL conservative, you must now be actively PRO-TORTURE. Annie said so (to great applause, as it said). The only Republican candidate who actually knows what that kind of hell is really like is opposed to it, so therefore he's weak and unfit to lead the country. This is how deep and profound the evil and sickness of the Right in America has become. And the wild popularity of Coulter among the hard core Right is yet another indication of this evil and sickness. I mean, my God, how in the hell does this scum even dare to open her mouth about McCain being unwilling to fight terrorism? How does she DARE to question McCain's bona fides on torture? She's beyond perverse. I guess that's why all the little boys in Young Americans for Freedom love her so much.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Update: 14.7 Million Democratic Votes Last Tuesday, Only 8.9 Million GOP
I like those numbers even better.
Oh, Willard. One More Thing
I'll hold my breath to see if it happens.
Phony, Plastic Fraud Romney Drops Out
Ah, that Willard. A lying, no-class gutter politician right to the end.
Good riddance to this assclown.
(By the way, Willard, sorry about that $35 million of your own money you spent to fall flat on both of your faces. Heh.)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
On the Democratic Side, A Super Tuesday Tie
But the bigger winner was the Democratic Party itself. More than 12,000,000 people voted in the Democratic primaries, by one estimate, and only about 8,000,000 in the Republican contests. That works out 60-40 in favor of the good guys. I'd gladly take that ratio on 4 November.
Now, the task will be to tarnish the media-bestowed halo on St. John McCain. I respect John McCain--but I'm going to do everything I can to prevent him from being president. He has embraced every single one of the disastrous Bush policies, even repudiating his own sensible rejection of Bush's tax cuts for the super rich. If you want perpetual war and economic disaster, McCain will be your man.
No third term for Bush--No to McCain!