Monday, November 13, 2006

Hey Republicans! Show Your REAL Colors in 2008!

Talk among the Republicans is that they lost last week because they weren't conservative enough.
OK, here's what I want the Republicans to run on in 2008:
1. The public schools should be abolished.
2. Social Security should be completely privatized and ultimately abolished.
3. America should be officially declared a "Christian Nation" and non-Christians should be declared second-class citizens.
4. All abortions should be outlawed, even in cases of rape or incest.
5. Birth control should be legally restricted or even eliminated.
6. A nuclear attack should be made on Iran to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons.
7. Homosexual acts should be declared a crime, punishable by prison or death.
8. The state should have the ultimate decision making power in matters of life support for patients in a permanent vegetative state.
9. The state should have the power to restrict or outlaw "non-procreative" sex, even among married heterosexuals.
All of these positions have actually been advocated by various members of the Republican coalition. I say the right wingers should have the courage of their convictions and run on these ideas unflinchingly. In fact, I think they should be the cornerstone of the Republican platform.
Why? Because the Democrats would win a landslide of historic proportions, winning every state in the Union in the presidential election (with the possible exception of Utah) and more than 300 seats in the House and 65 in the Senate. That's why the Republicans won't do it.
They'd like to.
But they don't have the guts.
I dare them.

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