Sunday, November 12, 2006

Daddy to the Rescue

This post in Newsweek is about how Bush 41 and his team have been called in to try to rescue the miserable, failed, rejected presidency of Bush 43. Getting rid of Rumsfeld and replacing him with Robert Gates was the first move. (Gates, by the way, was involved in Iran Contra up to his armpits and I'd like that connection explored thoroughly.)
I don't think a rescue is going to happen. I think Dubya's reign is beyond help. It kind of fits a pattern, though. All through his life Dubya has relied on Dad to bail him out of everything. To bail him out of legal trouble. To bail him out of going to Vietnam. To bail him out of business failures. My God, the elder Bush has been a total enabler of this guy. His eldest son's complete failure should be no surprise to him--he's seen it before.

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