Sunday, August 21, 2005

The True Story of Limbaugh, the Toughest Talking Draft Dodger in America

The inimitable Snopes has the story of Limbaugh's anal cyst, the "ailment" that kept him out of the military. Of course, his draft number in the Lottery was higher than necessary to keep him out of the service as well. But couldn't the great Defender of America have volunteered?

Remember, this is the person who attacked and ridiculed John McCain, who volunteered for Vietnam, was shot down and captured, was brutally tortured, and was kept as a POW for years. Limbaugh attacked and ridiculed John Kerry, who also volunteered for Vietnam. He joined in the chorus of attacks on Vietnam triple amputee Max Cleland.

Now he attacks and ridicules Cindy Sheehan, having the damned nerve to call her a liar and dismissing the loss of her son in Iraq with the phrase "Everybody loses things."

What is it about people like Limbaugh? Is it guilt? Psychological projection? Just plain moral degeneracy? I don't care any more. I just want the SOB taken down and taken down hard. Keith Olbermann and the Daily Howler are right: Limbaugh is one of the worst people in America.

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