Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Response to a Republican

I posted this on Washington Monthly tonight, in response to a typical right wing Bush defender.

[You are] a sad example of a Republican who hasn't awakened yet, as I did. I voted for Ford, Reagan twice, and Bush the Elder, once. Then I began to see the Republican Party for all its lunacy and viciousness.

The subtle but very real appeals to racial prejudice--which built the Republican Party in the South.

The alliance with the Neo-Confederates.

The war against science and the embrace of creationist insanity.

The alliance with the Dominionists who want to replace our republic with a theocracy.

The incessant class war the Republicans have waged against the poor and working classes, while proclaiming that it is the Democrats who are somehow waging class war when they demand tax fairness and social justice.

The ranting ugliness of right wing media, with the ravings of far right hate radio leading the way.

The disgusting worship of this loathsome boob in the White House, an addled mental incompetent, who in 2000 was the least qualified candidate for president since William Jennings Bryan in 1896.

The refusal to recognize that Bush is a monstrous, life-long screw up who has been saved from his disasters by powerful, monied interests and cronies.

The Stalin-like attacks on anyone who dares to disagree with them, and the savage hatred of homosexuals.

And now, according to Santorum, the state has the right to police our bedrooms to make sure we are having only "procreative sex". According to Brownback, women should go back into the home and restore "traditional values". And Robertson, Falwell, DeLay, and Dobson want to declare America a "Christian Nation", which presumably excludes non-Christians (like me) from being considered a "real American."

[Is] there any sin, any crime, any form of incompetence on the part of the Republicans you AREN'T willing to defend? The torture? The rendition of prisoners to places like Uzbekistan, where prisoners are sometimes tortured with boiling water? The utter screw-ups in Iraq, and Cheney's manipulation of the intelligence that got us there? Katrina? The monster deficits? The national debt crisis? The K-Street project corruption? The bribes? ANYTHING AT ALL?

I remember a time when Republicans used to give a damn about decency, honor, and America's future. I sure as hell don't see many of those kinds of Republicans now.

I wonder if he'll read it and send a reply. Who knows?

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