Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hey Washington Pundits: WE'RE the Majority! YOU Are the Elitist MINORITY!

From the most recent public opinion poll on the war:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in
Iraq and a majority would support a partial withdrawal of troops by year's end, a CNN poll said on Wednesday.

It was the CNN poll's highest number opposing the war since fighting began in March 2003, a figure that has risen steadily since then, according to the Opinion Research Corp. survey conducted last week on behalf of the cable network.

The poll showed 36 percent of respondents said they were in favor of the war -- half the peak 72 percent who supported the war as it began, said the poll of 1,047 Americans.
So can we stop hearing this puke about how the Democratic anti-war candidates are "radicals" and "extremists" and "out of the mainstream"? It's the incestuous, Republican ass-kissing Washington media elite who are grotesquely out of touch.
There needs to be a BIG housecleaning this year in Congress. But there also has to a BIG housecleaning in our political media as well.

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