Sunday, July 16, 2006

Money Talks and BS Walks

A lot of us are looking forward to a big win for the Democrats on November 7. The Republicans, who have done so much to harm our country, are facing a perfect storm--an unpopular president, an even more unpopular Congress controlled by Republicans, and a preference, expressed in every poll, for the Democrats and Democratic stands on issues.

Sigh. What a bunch of suckers we are. If more of us don't get off our asses, we're going to suffer the same burning, terrible disappointment on November 8 that we did on November 3 two years ago.

It's all about the money folks, and it's pouring into the GOP like there's no tomorrow. Lost in the anger about John Boehner's frenetic fund raising activities is a simple fact: the son of a bitch is raising TEN THOUSAND FREAKING DOLLARS A DAY FOR THE REPUBLICANS, and has been doing so since February.That's $70,000 a week, $300,000 a month, $900,000 every quarter. And that's just him. I can't conceive of how much the other Republican leaders are pulling in. And remember, Bush and Cheney can raise a million dollars for any Republican candidate in America any time they want to. The Republicans don't HAVE to win the public debate--they win because they have more g-d damned money than we do. For example,we brag about how we're going to kick Santorum's miserable, lying ass in November, but that bastard has FOUR MILLION MORE DOLLARS right now than Bob Casey, and he'll use every dime of it. If he survives--God forbid!!--it will because he had the bucks. It's really that simple.

What do the Republicans buy with their megabucks? Well, paid media, of course, obscene amounts of it. But they also buy their massive get out the vote ground game--which is how they kill us on Election Day. They buy their voter lists. They buy their data banks. They buy their phone operations. They buy their laptops and hand-helds. They buy the "poll watchers" that challenge and intimidate our voters. They buy stories in the MSM that make them look good. They buy the buses that pick up their voters and send them to the polls. And they buy the mailers, inundating every targeted household with election propaganda. (Remember: the Rove rule is a minimum of 7 mass mailings are required to push your candidate over the top.) They beat us because they can afford it.

Am I being simplistic? Bullshit. I'm being realistic. The winner of a contest is, overwhelmingly, the candidate with the most money. Check the link here if you don't buy it. Excerpt:

Almost as soon as Election Day concluded, one thing was certain: Money won big in the 2004 elections.

In 95 percent of House races and 91 percent of Senate races that had been decided by mid-day today, the candidate who spent the most money won, according to a post-election analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. The findings are based on figures reported Oct. 13 to the Federal Election Commission.

The biggest spender was victorious in 415 of 435 decided House races and 31 of 34 decided Senate races. On Election Day 2002, top spenders won 95 percent of House races and 76 percent of Senate races.

Am I making my point, folks? IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW HORSESHIT A JOB THE REPUBLICANS HAVE DONE. If they outraise and outspend us, they will win on November 7, and America will continue to spiral downward, destroying the future for our children and grandchildren. Just imagine Bush crowing on Wednesday, November 8 about how America endorsed his policies, if you can bear to. That's what we're up against.

Every resource must be tapped. The activists have been wonderfully generous in their contributions. But we need more. Howard Dean is busting his ass, but we need more. Rahm Emanuel is knocking on every door, but we need more. We need a GRASSROOTS REVOLUTION. We need mass contributions, $1, $5, $10, $20 at a time from millions of ordinary Democrats and Independents. We need to roust our friends with appeals for contributions. We need to comb our e-mail lists and Christmas card lists and the lists of people we invited to the Bar Mitzvah, the wedding, the open house, everything. We need cash right now to help us organize the ground game we must have to win. I know I seem over the top, but I just can't go through another defeat. And the ONLY way we can stave off another defeat is by outraising those Republican bastards. Period.

If we don't win the Senate, it means more Alitos. If we don't win the House it means the K-Street project rolls on. If we don't win, Bush can claim another "mandate" to continue his catastrophic direction. I don't give a shit what our poll numbers say--I want to see our fundraising numbers.

All real patriots must come to the aid of their country--and that means with bucks. It means getting everyone you know to kick in money and to get everyone they know to kick in money, and so on. Broken record Joe will say it again: 10 million people kicking in 10 bucks a month will help us crush the Rightwing that is killing America.

Don't give me political analysis. Don't give me debating points. Don't give me polls. Don't give me issue papers. Give me millions of people pouring money into the Democratic Party. Yes, all the other things matter. But they won't amount to a hill of beans if we don't back 'em up with a hill of cash.

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