Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Coulter Advocates Genocide Against Iranians

When Sean Hannity (aka as the Smarmy Little Punk) asked Republican psychotic Ann Coulter what she would do if she were president to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, she suggested that she would "carpet bomb" the entire country so heavily that they wouldn't be able to make so much as a transistor, much less a nuke. You can check it out here, although I didn't watch the video--I just ate.
Again: we see a right wing "pundit" being allowed to say anything and not receive overwhelming public criticism. If a progressive had proposed exterminating the population of a major nation, it would be national news. But Coulter casually advocates mass murder, and it doesn't raise a ripple.
"Liberal media"? Bullshit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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