Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Can You Give Me Hope?

I am emotionally exhausted right now. Despite the scientific community's mountain of evidence and irrefutable proof otherwise, the majority of Americans believe humans were created in their present form. A young Marine recruit tells me that the Marines are being told to gear up for an attack on IRAN. Women in South Dakota are being told, in essence, that they are second-class citizens. Conservatives see more humanity in a zygote than an uninsured, desperately ill actual child. Despite being massively unpopular, Bush continues to get just about everything he wants. Right wing thugs shout that people like me are traitors. The Democrats themselves show more ineptitude than courage. And as long as Republicans control the voting machines in most of the country, I am without hope of a Democratic comeback. In short, unless something changes, I must conclude that the United States of America has begun the process of dying and disintegrating. Unless the right wing fanatics are removed from power, they will create conditions that must inevitably lead to America's death. I look to the Democrats and I see, over and over, lack of preparation, lack of nerve, and lack of determination to win. Unless electoral reform is made the priority, the Republicans who count the votes will call the shots.
I'd like to think there's hope, but right now it looks grim.


Maurice K. said...

Sorry Joseph, I don't know as I can. The Roman Empire analogy comes to mind. Maurice

Ben said...

The change begins with individuals. Unfortunately, until people start paying attention and giving a crap about what is happening around them, nothing can really change. Our society is probably the most vapid on earth. I mean, American Idol killed the Olympics in ratings. If only everyone would listen to NPR like me and listen to CarTalk!!! That the only way to save our society...

Joseph Miller said...

Why Car Talk in particular?

Ben said...

I was just kidding about Car Talk, but it's a good program if you don't listen to it. On Saturday from 9-10am. But NPR is good overall.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I can vouch for CarTalk! Great show.

Mehal said...

I second the motion that Car Talk is awesome.

Mahatma Gandhi once said "Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always. "