Why do two-thirds of all Americans hate America? Those who disapprove of Dear Leader must be siding with the terrorists. (Just trying to think like a Republican.)
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
CBS: Bush Approval at a Pathetic 34%
Why do two-thirds of all Americans hate America? Those who disapprove of Dear Leader must be siding with the terrorists. (Just trying to think like a Republican.)
Sunday, February 26, 2006
DeLay, Abramoff, and Russian "Business Men"
Marina Nevskaya and Alexander Koulakovsky, two executives of the Russian energy company Naftasib with close ties to the Russian government and security services, appear to have funneled at least that much money to three DC GOP lobbyists between 1997 and 2004.
Attention Everybody: The Republicans WILL Cave In and Give Bush His Way on the Dubai Ports Deal
Remember, the UAE--
- Is the home of several of the 9/11 hijackers.
- Funnelled money to the 9/11 terrorists.
- Resisted U.S. efforts to trace the money.
- Is part of the Hate Israel chorus in the Middle East.
The truth of the matter is, Bush and his family (and his business cronies) have long ties to the anti-American Arab world. When you boil it right down, money trumps country every time with these people. And the Republicans have managed to convince millions of people that the Republicans are the "patriotic" party. WAKE UP, AMERICA, AND LOOK AT THE DAMNED FACTS.
UPDATE: Check this out, too.
Fox News Strikes Again
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Is Iraq Heading for Civil War?
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Arianna Rips Hannity and Coulter New Ones
Bush Ignored a Major Warning Prior to 9/11
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The Bush Administration Manipulated Pre-War Intelligence
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Countering the Heritage Foundation's Tax Arguments
So I looked a little more and found these interesting tidbits:
"There were an estimated 7.7 million millionaires in the world at the end of 2003, half a million more than at the end of 2002, as stock markets and economic growth picked up and the rich took more risks with their cash.These wealthy individuals saw their riches increase by 7.7 percent to $28.8 trillion in 2003, recovering to levels seen before the global recession took hold in 2001, according to a survey on Tuesday from U.S. investment bank Merrill Lynch and technology consultancy Capgemini. And the rich are set to get richer, with their wealth forecast to grow by seven percent a year and to exceed $40.7 trillion by 2008, the survey predicted... The survey also highlighted a small, but fast-growing global group of 70,000 super rich individuals with more than $30 million in financial assets. It found that this group was growing at a faster pace than those in the $1 million-plus bracket." (World's richest worth $29 trillion in 2003; Survey: Wealthy now back at level before dot-com bust. MSNBC.com, June 15, 2004,)
Very Richest's Share of Income Grew Even Bigger, New York Times, June 26, 2003
In the late 1970s, the top one percent of the US population held 13 percent of the wealth; in 1995 it held 38 percent. (Levy, Frank. The New Dollars and Dreams ).
In 1998 the top 1 percent of the population owned 38 percent of the wealth, the top 5 percent owned over 60 percent (source: www.inequality.org/fatcsfr.html).
The top ten percent of the U.S. population owns 81.8 percent of the real estate, 81.2 percent of the stock, and 88 percent of the bonds. (Federal Reserve Bank data in Left Business Observer, No. 72, Apr. 3, 1996, p. 5).
One percent of the U.S. population owns sixty percent of the stock and forty percent of the total wealth. (Hawken, Paul, The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability. New York: HarperBusiness, 1993).
The top one percent of U.S. households owned 42 percent of all stock in 1997... The top ten percent of households owned 82 percent of all stock-market wealth...Only 27 percent of households held more than $10,000 in stock in 1997...57 percent of Americans didn't own any stock at all...The top fifth of households saw their income rise 43 percent between 1977 and 1999, while the bottom fifth saw their income fall 9 percent....Since 1973, every group in society except the top 20 percent has seen its share of the national income decline, with the bottom 20 percent losing the most. They have just 3.6 percent of national income, down from 4.4 percent a quarter century ago. Indeed, the top fifth now makes more than the rest of the nation combined...Rebecca Blank, who recently left the President's Council of Economic Advisors, pointed out, ‘We've gone back to levels of income and wealth inequality that this country hasn't seen since the teens and 1920s.’" (Source: Merrill Goozner, Crash of '99?, Salon.com, Oct. 1, 1999).
The top one percent of Americans receive more income than the bottom 40 percent. (Korten, David. When Corporations Rule the World, p. 108).
When he was worth $40 billion, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates was worth more than the bottom 110 million Americans (the bottom 40 percent of the population). By 1998, Gates was worth $59 billion; a year later, he was worth $85 billion. Gates is twice as wealthy as the second richest American, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen (worth $40 billion). (Source: open letter from Ralph Nader (December 1998), citing Edward Wolff of New York University, whose calculations included home equity, pensions and mutual funds, but excluded personal cars, based on Gates' then-current net worth of $40 billion).
Also interesting. So I looked a little further and found this interesting site. Among other things, it points out that when you add Social Security taxes into the federal tax picture, you find that those with incomes of $30,000 a year pay about 15% of their adjusted gross income in taxes while those in the $200,000 plus range pay about 28%.
In my view, when you consider the impact of sales taxes, property taxes, and state income taxes, the poorest Americans pay just about the same percentage of their income in taxes as the richest.
The issue is NOT simply federal income taxes. It is the total tax picture that matters. Even more importantly, it is about who controls this country. And brothers and sisters, it's the people in the top 10% of income. WEALTH IS POWER. Only the dishonest or naive think otherwise. And power in America resides in those for whose plight Heritage feels so deeply.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Bush Scraping Bottom in New Survey USA Poll
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The American People Do NOT Want War With Iran
Monday, February 13, 2006
Biologists Are Blasting Down the Walls of "Intelligent Design"
The Republican Radicals Hate Reason, Hate Scientific Truth, Hate Any Dissent
Sunday, February 12, 2006
The Voice of the Insane: Creationist Ken Ham
It's Evolution Sunday!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Bush: Screw the Veterans, Screw the Active Military
Cheney: A Cancer on America
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The Fighting Democrats
Now this is what I like to see!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Angry Thoughts on a Tuesday Night
- The pathetic rightwing clowns who are bitching and moaning about Rev. Joseph Lowery and former President Jimmy Carter "politicizing" Coretta Scott King's funeral can go blow it out their asses, especially waste of human skin Sean Hannity, aka The Punk. The conservative bastards who are saying these things fought against everything Mrs. King stood for. They were her enemies in life; they have no right to say ANYTHING about how her funeral was conducted. Lowery and Carter said what needed to be said. They spoke the truth. If their criticism offended the Boy King who was there ONLY for a photo op, that's too damned bad.
- No Muslim radicals anywhere are ever going to tell me what I can say, what I can write, what I can look at, or who I can make fun of. If I want to criticize Muhammad, or even make a Muhammad look-alike sock puppet I can play with, I'll damn well do it. If they don't like it, they can kiss my ass. Those who are rioting, burning, and killing over a few freaking cartoons are proving to the world the point the cartoonists were making. The West can NEVER back down in the face of murderous psychotics like these.
- When will the Democrats stop cringing in fear before the Republicans? When will Barbara Boxer be selected as leader of the Senate Democrats? When will the Democrats get behind John Murtha and let him nationalize the 2006 elections? When will the Democrats get serious about challenging Republican election fraud? How many stinking elections have to get stolen from them before the Democrats fight back?
Rev. Joseph Lowery's Beautiful Tribute to Coretta Scott King
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Science is Under Constant Siege in the Bush Administration
Paula Zahn: Right Wing Clown
Newsweek: Libby's Defense Full of Holes
Bonddad Crushes Republican Fraud Luskin
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Gallup: Country Has Turned Even More Strongly Against Bush on Iraq
Let's Help Dump Chris Matthews' Miserable Ass Off of TV
I smell boycott!
The Idiot Right Strikes Again
The parents involved in this protest are conservative idiots, and I feel sad for their children who will probably grow up to be the same way.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
If This is True, It's Reason Enough to Force Bush from Office
The Current Republican Frontrunner
BUSH 2.0
Conservatives touting George Allen as the second coming of Dubbya have another piece of evidence to point to: Allen's continuing attempts to match, and raise, George W. Bush's studied ignorance of what's happening in his own government. Witness:
When asked for his opinion on Bernanke's nomination, all Sen. George Allen (R-VA) could muster was the response, "For what?"
"Told that Mr. Bernanke was up for the Fed chairman's job, Mr. Allen hedged a little, said he had not been focused on it, and wondered aloud when the hearings would be. Told that the Senate Banking Committee hearings had concluded in November, the senator responded: 'You mean I missed them all? I paid no attention to them."
I'm speechless. Even Ronald Reagan knew who the Fed Chief was. With this sort of blithe inattention to governance, Allen's a shoe-in for 2008. There's really no reason to fight it, so I, for one, welcome our new Virginian overlord. May he be merciful and kind.
The terrifying thing is that Allen is stupid enough and vicious enough to win both the Republican nomination and the presidency. It's not like it would be the first time, after all.