Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sean Hannity, Liar of the Year!

MediaMatters gives him the big award right here, and, utterly unlike Hannity, actually backs its argument up with factual evidence. In public policy, there is NOTHING Hannity will not lie about. MM's indictment of this walking pile of horse manure is devastating. I can't do it justice simply by citing excerpts--go read the whole thing. The depths of Hannity's total dishonesty will shock you.

Hannity, some conservatives say, doesn't represent them. On the contrary: Hannity is the perfect spokesman for the Republican "base"--racist, hyper-aggressive (as long as other people are doing the suffering and the dying), contemptuous of the poor, pro-torture, militantly homophobic, and capable of promoting any smear and any lie, no matter how vicious, in promoting right wing "goals". In many ways, Sean Hannity IS the Republican Party's hard core. He is an integral part of the conservative cancer that is killing America. By helping to destroy any standards of journalistic decency and by using his public platform to disseminate Pravda-style propaganda, he has dragged public discussion in this country down to new lows. In any rational society someone like Hannity would be ignored and laughed at. But thanks to Fox News and its millions of neanderthal fans, he continues to spread his lying filth through our body politic.

Well, done, Sean, well done! And congratulations on your phony charity. You really are a crook right down to your toenails.

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