Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Nixon and Kissinger KIlled Off a Chance for Peace in Vietnam

You gotta love those right-wing Republican "patriots". Consortium News carries a shocking report (here) on how Republicans Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger DELIBERATELY SABOTAGED THE PARIS PEACE TALKS IN 1968. Yes, you read that right. The war in Vietnam could have been ended in 1968. Nixon was afraid that if a peace agreement was reached before the 1968 presidential election that Hubert Humphrey would prevail and become president. Kissinger aided in the effort to persuade the South Vietnamese government that it would get a better deal from Nixon than from Humphrey, and the South Vietnamese consequently stalled the negotiations. (You hear that, Senator McCain? Nixon and Kissinger let you and your buddies rot in prison.) 

And if this doesn't enrage you, I'm not sure what would:

The U.S. participation in the Vietnam War continued for more than four years at a horrendous cost to both the United States and the people of Vietnam. Before the conflict was finally brought to an end, a million more Vietnamese were estimated to have died along with an additional 20,763 U.S. dead and 111,230 wounded.

If that isn't the definition of criminality, I'm not really sure what would be.

This is all part of a pattern. The Right Wing brays about its patriotism, but look at the record:

In 1933 a cabal of right-wing business leaders plotted to overthrow FDR in a fascist coup.

During the 1930s, right-wing radicals flocked to the German-American Bund and supported fascist radio preacher Charles Coughlin. 

A certain prominent Republican family helped Adolf Hitler's rise in the 1930s and was entangled in treasonous activities in World War II.

Nixon's sabotaging of the Vietnam settlement.

The Reagan campaign deliberately sabotaged the release of the American hostages being held in Iran to sink Jimmy Carter's reelection campaign in 1980. Reagan's people engaged in treasonous negotiations with the Iranian government at that time. 

The Reagan Administration engaged in the illegal transfer of weapons to the Iranian government in the 1980s, the Iran-Contra scandal. These weapons were being given to the very government that had held our hostages captive for 444 days.

The Reagan and Bush administrations armed Saddam Hussein to the teeth, including the sale of materials for chemical and biological weapons materials.

And of course, who could forget Dick Cheney's business dealings with our enemies in Iraq, Iran, and Libya.

Yeah, the conservatives sure are "patriots", aren't they?

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