Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Republican Thugs in Senate Trying to Block the Seating of Senator-Elect Al Franken

Once again the Republicans spit in the face of American Democracy by trying to block the provisional seating of Minnesota U.S. Senate election WINNER Al Franken. Senator John Cornyn, the right-wing Republican hack from Texas, is telling blatant lies about the electoral process in Minnesota. Minnesota, by the way, has what are probably the most honest and transparent election rules of any state. What Cornyn doesn't like is the voters' verdict--a Democratic victory--and so, he's going to try to overthrow it by any BS tactics he can think of. But once Al Franken is certified as the winner, it will be harder for the GOP crooks in the Senate like Cornyn to steal the election.

It's SENATOR Al Franken to you conservative lowlifes now.

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