Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Is There ANYTHING Lying Fool William Kristol EVER Gets Right?

Check out the first item here

I tell ya, if this guy hadn't been one of the principal architects of the disastrous Iraq War which has snuffed out the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, he'd be a damned Laff Riot.


Anonymous said...

Great article. Hind sight is
20/20. Yesterday was an interesting day in Illinois. What do you think of that governor? If I am correct from your biography weren't you in Illinois when he was elected? I hope that President-elect Obama is not tied into this mess.

Joseph Miller said...

No, he isn't. Blagojevich despises Obama because the Pres-elect wouldn't play ball on the Senate appt. In fact, Obama's people may have been the ones who outed Blago on this matter.

I voted Green Party in 2006. I knew Blago was a bum for trying to use the teachers' pension fund to pay the bills.