Friday, March 27, 2009

The Republican Budget "Proposal"? Cut Taxes on the Rich Again!!

It just boggles the freaking mind; the Republicans want to transfer even more wealth to the richest Americans. And not just a little--a lot. Excerpt:

No, seriously, that's the plan. It's right there on page 10: "Republicans propose a simple and fair tax code with a marginal tax rate for income up to $100,000 of 10 percent and 25 percent for any income thereafter."

So, Bush/Cheney lowered the top rate from 39.6% to 35%, which cost hundreds of billions of dollars and helped create the largest budget deficits in American history. Now, the very same GOP lawmakers want to send the top rate from 35% to 25%, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, all in the name of deficit reduction

Incredible. Just incredible. More "trickle down" idiocy from the Right. 

And they expect to be taken seriously?

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