Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bank of America Uses OUR Bail-Out Money to Support Anti-Union Fanatics

The whole disgusting story is here. Excerpt:

Three days after receiving $25 billion in federal bailout funds, Bank of America Corp. hosted a conference call with conservative activists and business officials to organize opposition to the U.S. labor community's top legislative priority.

Participants on the October 17 call -- including at least one representative from another bailout recipient, AIG -- were urged to persuade their clients to send "large contributions" to groups working against the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), as well as to vulnerable Senate Republicans, who could help block passage of the bill.

Yes, folks, these reactionary pinheads were using OUR money to organize other reactionary pinheads to screw American working people out of their right to organize a union. You see, right now, in many industries, if someone tries to organize a union by means of an election, the conservative management simply FIRES THE ORGANIZERS. EFCA would block this, which is why the militantly anti-worker conservatives are so dead-set against it, including Home Depot's co-founder, Bernie Marcus, a raving right-wing lunatic and pathological hater of unions.

Surveys show that millions of Americans want the right to join unions but are being blocked from doing so. Bank of America and AIG should be squeezed to pay back every single dime they used to help organize this anti-worker campaign. Because you know what? When it comes to plotting against American workers' rights...



Anonymous said...

Joseph, I have a question for you. Do you think that the Banks in America will become nationalized because the government has to bail them out? Reading the business reports the government might have to pump $4 trillion dollars to make them function as they should. Second question, are you for nationalizing banks?

Thank you,
Change 2009.
I have enjoyed watching President Obama court all of our politicians from both parties. So far he is living up to his campaign promises.

Joseph Miller said...

Good question. Not quite nationalized, but the Feds will apparently be major stakeholders in them now. As for $4 trillion, I have no idea where such resources might be found.

With public money must come public regulation.