Saturday, January 24, 2009

Anything They Say is a Lie Until Proven Otherwise

John Cole echoes my own sentiments exactly in this post. The Republicans are arguing against President Obama's stimulus program on the basis of a CBO report that doesn't exist, and which apparently was fabricated out of thin air. Cole lays it out just right:

I promised to myself that never again would I be as gullible as I was during the Bush years, but I really don’t know what the appropriate level of skeptical is for Republicans right now. Even after losing their asses in the last two elections, facing numerous crises, here they are just flat-out making shit up on arguably the most important topic of the day.

From now on, anything the Republicans say I am just going to have to assume is a lie, until proven otherwise. I don’t know how else to handle this, as they simply can not be trusted to tell the truth or do the right thing, regardless what the stakes are

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