Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yes!! J. Miller Rampant Has Gone Hawaiian!!

Since few things in life are more tiresome than reading a writer's oh-so-personal reactions to being in a beautiful place, I'll skip the part about telling you how amazingly gorgeous Kauai is or how overwhelmingly nice the vast majority of people out here are. Kauai has all of the human issues and problems that any other place has. And yet there really is a sense here that one is more intimately connected with the natural world, and so perhaps those issues can be dealt with and endured more readily. There is also a sense of community that I've experienced that is unlike any other. Yes, it is expensive to live here, but if you shop carefully, you can do as well as back in Chicago. And knowing that I will never again experience a 30 degree overcast, wet, dismal, ugly, soul-destroying Midwestern winter day again makes any sacrifice well worth it.

Come and see Kauai--and you'll see what I mean.

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