Tuesday, July 10, 2007

HAW! I Just LOVE it When These Right Wing Hypocrites Are Exposed

The current Exhibit A is right-wing Louisiana Senator David Vitter, who has been caught in prominent New Orleans whorehouses and has now been outed in the DC Madam investigation. David Corn nails Vitter's typical conservative hypocrisy here:

Vitter, who is married with four children, has been a vigorous advocate of family values, championing abstinence-only programs and calling for a ban on gay marriage. In a statement his office rushed out on Monday night--before he could be outed by Hustler magazine--Vitter said he had committed a "serious sin" and claimed that "several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling." I seem to recall that Bill Clinton took a similar stance after he acknowledged his affair with Monica Lewinsky. That, though, did not prevent Vitter from calling for Clinton's forcible removal from office.

Of course it didn't prevent him from calling for Clinton's removal, just as Newt Gingrich wasn't deterred from attacking Clinton while he, Gingrich, was having an adulterous affair with his own secretary. These right wing bastards almost NEVER hold themselves to the same standards they hold other people to. Their whole vile philosophy rests on sheer moral bankruptcy and empty moral posturing.

Hey Vitter--if you're so damned contrite, resign from office.


Anonymous said...

When will we learn that any extreme only leads to hate, then hypocrisy and eventual remorse? Do any of these guys ever indulge in reflection? They should. Maybe it's my age, but I do think we are seeing the sunset of American ideals. Commute Paris Hilton's parole and offer a public apology to Martha Stewart! -d. shorter

Bill Moser said...

Gay marriage is purported to destroy good "Christian" marriages. I somehow suspect that people like Vitter, Gingrich, Brittney Spears, sequential polygamist Elzabeth Taylor do far more damage to Christian marriage because of their cavalier attitudes toward their vows. My gay friends who have married in church sanctioned committal ceremonies are more stable and more faithful in their relationships. And probably a lot happier.