Monday, December 08, 2008

The Ultra Right Wing's Hilarious Insanity

Revealed for all it's worth in the "controversy" about whether Barack Obama is qualified to be president. My fave excerpt:

Taitz -- the lead attorney in the case the Supreme Court declined to hear Monday morning -- kept making stranger and stranger assertions. At one point, she asked why the government had fined broadcasters for Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction," but didn't intervene to force the media to report on Obama's allegedly phony birth certificate. She claimed Obama holds passports from at least four countries, compared him to Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, equated the "controversy" about Obama to Watergate, and finished her tour-de-force presentation by saying that if Obama can claim he's a U.S. citizen and win an election, then so could just about anyone. "If a person can become a presidential candidate only based on his own statement," she said, "then somebody like Osama bin Laden, theoretically, can come and write a statement, 'I'm eligible,' and we should put him on the ballot, too?"

Stop, you're KILLIN' me here!


Anonymous said...

Joseph, could you please help me. I did not vote for Obama, but I am against frivolous lawsuits and this is one. A President needs to be a natural born citizen. Doesn't that mean that one of his parents needs to be a US citizen. His mom was, so Obama is a natural born citizen. It doesn't matter where he is born if one of his parents is a citizen. Could you please clarify.

Joseph Miller said...

You are correct. He was also born on U.S. territory, so that would also be decisive.