Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hey! It's Not the Unions That Are Killing the Big Three

In addition to inept management, it's this:  Toyota's employees in Japan have national health insurance to fall back on and GM, Ford, and Chrysler don't! Check out this graphic from Kevin Drum, btw: 

Since Japan has a national health insurance system, firms like Toyota and Nissan have far lower costs overall. 

Oh--by the way--the oft repeated canard that American auto workers make "$73 an hour" is a lie. But the statement comes from conservatives, so what else can you expect?


~ Marie ~ said...

What an excellent chart! Thanks for a great snapshot of the truth. It's such a crazy if we can keep strength and kindness in the midst of a meltdown.

pablo said...

The hidden cost of employee health insurance might be why GM had already moved so much of its assembly to Canada.

It makes a strong argument for national health insurance, doesn't it?