Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Questions for McCain

From the mind of davefromqueens on DKos. My favorites:

Do you think the American economy is better off now than it was 8 years ago? Explain why or why not.

Define for us specifically what events need to happen in Iraq in order for American troops to withdraw from this country. I don't want spin. I want specific criteria.

What role, if any, did Saddam Hussein play in the attack of September 11, 2001?

Why has Osama Bin Laden not been caught?

Two days after September 11, 2001, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell said that America got exactly what it deserved on 9/11. Why did you actively seek the endorsement of these two men after they made these anti-American comments?

Explain the cultural similarities and/or differences between Shia, Sunnis, and Kurds.

How would your foreign policy differ from George W Bush's if at all?

For over a year you solicited the support of John Hagee, who calls for the Jews' destruction, who blames the Holocaust on Jews, said Hurricane Katrina was god's way of punishing the citizens of New Orlens for their sinful life, and who once referred to the Catholic Church as the Great Whore. Why did you solicit the support of John Hagee when all these comments were known prior to your solicitation?

Do you believe that the United States should be bound by the terms and conditions of the Geneva Convention which it signed? Explain why or why not.

How did you celebrate your 69th Birthday? Who were you with at the time and what kind of cake did you eat? What major event was occurring at this time?

Why did you vote against emergency funding for the victims of Hurricane Katrina?

Has the national debt increased or decreased under George W Bush's presidency? By how much?

In 2007 you said that you look to Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower as models. Why isn't the name George W Bush on that list?

Did you ever curse at a Senate colleague while on the job? If yes, how many different colleagues have you cursed at?

Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation with any member of Congress. If yes, how many physical altercations did you get into with any member of Congress.

Give 'em a look. They're all pretty good. And then ask yourself:

Why isn't McCain being asked these questions by the national media?

1 comment:

Zach said...

i love these, but i have a question that has always puzzled me and I get different responses from everybody I ask. In the first question you asked about the economy and how it has pretty much gone down the crapper recently. I have heard mixed opinions on whose fault this is. Alot of people (granted most if not all were republican) have said that the state of the economy is a result of the president previous to the one in office currently. This goes against the commonly held belief (mostly by democrats) that Bill Clinton was good for our economy.

I'm pretty sure you will say that Bill Clinton was good for our economy (but I have been wrong before). I am just confused as to which is correct. I'm not really much of an economist.