Tuesday, June 10, 2008

John McCain: Right-Wing Fanatic on Reproductive Rights

McCain: Opposed to abortion under ANY circumstances, even if a woman has been raped, even if she's a 14 year-old who's been molested by her father, even if the woman will die if the pregnancy continues.

McCain: Siding with those who want to abolish ALL forms of birth control, even going so far as to hint that he would favor overturning the key Supreme Court decision that legalized birth control.

McCain is a full-throated enemy of women's rights in every area, but no more so than in reproductive issues. He wants to reduce women to 2nd class status, just like the rest of Radical Extreme Right. I would hope any self-respecting, independent woman would reject McCain out of hand.

via videosift.com


Anonymous said...

What was the link to? It's no longer available, and I'd like to see it... am looking for a bit of evidence on this issue. It came up recently in a discussion about the chances of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

Joseph Miller said...

The link seems to be missing indeed. I'll look into it.

Joseph Miller said...


stexe said...

This is a sobering response to all the dejected feminist Clinton supporters who are now saying they're going to vote for McCain rather than Obama. No presidential contender in recent memory has been more anti-feminist than this guy. Here's hoping they'll come around, and vote in their own best interests.