Saturday, October 30, 2010

You GOTTA Read This!

Keith Olbermann has done a FANTASTIC job right here of assembling the truly terrifying array of Tea Bagger/Idiot Nut Job/Right Wing Fanatic lunacy that our country is being theatened by this coming Tuesday. Want a real Hallowe'en horror show? Check it out. Excerpts:

You do not think your freedom is at stake next Tuesday?

The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate-for Senator from Nevada, Sharron Angle, has decried divorce and Social Security as some of this nation's quote "wicked ways." Mrs. Angle also compared rape to "a lemon situation in lemonade." She would deny an abortion even to a teenaged girl who had been raped by her own father.

The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate to be the only Congressman in Delaware, Glen Urquhart, said "there is no problem that abortion can't make worse. I know good friends who are the product of rape." Mr. Urquhart also does not believe the phrase "separation of church and state" was said by Thomas Jefferson.

He thinks it was Hitler: "The next time your liberal friends ask you about the 'separation of church and state', ask them why they are Nazis."


The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for the Senate in West Virginia, John Raese, explained quote: "I made my money the old-fashioned way, I inherited it. I think that's a great thing to do. I hope more people in this country have that opportunity as soon as we abolish inheritance tax in this country."

The inheritance tax applies only to estates larger than three-and-a-half million dollars. For the 99.8% of Americans not affected by the estate tax, there is the Minimum Wage, which Mr. Raese also wants abolished.

Or there is Social Security. The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate in the Indiana 9th, Todd Young, says "Social Security, as so many of you know is a Ponzi scheme." The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate in the Wisconsin 8th, Reid Ribble, disagrees. Social Security "is, in **fact**, a Ponzi scheme."


If you are not employed, Mrs. Angle of Nevada says unemployment benefits can neither be increased nor extended because that "has caused us to have a spoilage with our ability to go out and get a job… There are jobs that do exist. That's what we're saying, is that there are jobs."

The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for Senator in Alaska, Joe Miller, says this is academic, because Unemployment Insurance is unconstitutional. His own wife received unemployment insurance after losing a temp job he got for her. Mr. Miller also called Medicaid unconstitutional. It [has been] proved his entire family had received Medicaid funds.

The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for Senator in Colorado, Ken Buck, would not stop at butchering just Social Security. "Would a Veterans Administration hospital that is run by the private sector be better run then by the public sector? In my view, yes."


Back in Nevada Mrs. Angle decries health care - not reform, but health care itself. "Everything that they want to throw at us now is covered under quote 'autism'," she said.

As to educating those children Mrs. Angle won't pay for, Mr. Buck of Colorado, waxes nostalgic. "In the 1950's, we had the best schools in the world, and the United States government decided to get more involved in federal education…well since we've made education worse, we're gonna even get more involved." In Ken Buck's America of 1957, fewer than one in five Black children graduated high school. Fewer than half of White children did.

To the Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate in the California 11th, David Harmer, Mr. Buck must seem like a wild-eyed liberal. Mr. Harmer once advocated eliminating public schools altogether, and returning education in this country to where it was before 1876. "People acting in a free market found a variety of ways to pay for a variety of schools serving a variety of students, all without central command or control." And without girls, blacks, or even the slightest chance you could go to college.


And while one of the few threads uniting the ragamuffins who constitute the slate of Tea Party candidates is so-called 'strict interpretation' of that Constitution, Mr. Miller of Alaska wants, in fact, to change the Constitution. He wants to repeal the 17th Amendment. The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for Senator from Utah, Mike Lee, called the 17th Amendment "a mistake." Last year, Mr. Buck of Colorado said the 17th Amendment "took us down the wrong path."

The 17th Amendment, of course, permits the direct election by the voters of U.S. Senators. Buck and Lee and Miller not only demand you elect them to the Senate; they hope to then deny you the right to elect somebody else, next time.

The ubiquitous Mrs. Angle, meanwhile, wants to repeal the 16th Amendment. It provided for a federal income tax. Mrs. Angle does not explain how, without it, the federal government would pay for keeping out the Mexicans she specifically attacks in her newest commercial.

The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul wishes to repeal the 14th Amendment because it interferes with a private business's right to ban black people from its premises, and also because it allows anyone born here in America to be American.

Mr. Paul is worried about anchor babies. The Republican candidate for the 1st District of Texas, Louie Gohmert, fears not anchor babies but terror babies -- unborn infants brought to this country in the womb, ready for American citizenship and pre-programmed to blow things up fifteen or twenty years from now. Curiously, he has not been asked if he is in favor of aborting them.


[F]ear of the Chinese clearly does not extend to the Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for Senate from Illinois, Mark Kirk. One day he held a fundraiser with American businessmen in China. The next day, he voted against closing tax incentives for outsourcing American jobs to places like China.

The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for Senate from Wisconsin, Ron Johnson is also in favor of re-locating employees. He testified against toughening laws on pedophiles and employers who shield them. He argued this could damage a business. A business like the local Catholic Church, on whose board he served (a fact he never revealed during his testimony).

[Rand Paul] is also opposed to Federal Mine Safety regulations: "The bottom line is: I'm not an expert, so don't give me the power in Washington to be making rules. You are here, and you have to work in the mines. You'd try to make good rules to protect your people here. If you don't, I'm thinking that no one will apply for those jobs."

Mr. Paul's admission that "I'm not an expert" does provide one of the few dovetails of the campaign. It matches nicely with Mr. Johnson of Wisconsin, who refuses to offer any specifics about his plan to deal with homeless veterans. He says, quote: "This election is not about details."


The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate in the Missouri 4th, Vicky Hartzler, says she and her husband are just small business owners. "We just want the government to leave us alone," she said. Hartzler and her husband have a farm. In the last fourteen years, that government they want to leave them alone, has given them subsidies totaling $774,000

Mr. Raese of West Virginia told the Associated Press that "America is in an industrial coma" and blamed the "restrictor plate" that is "a bloated federal government." "I can't think," he added, "of very many times when a government agency has helped me." The companies Mr. Raese owns have received $2,400,000 in contracts from the federal government since 2000, and $32,000,000 in contracts from the state government since 2000.


Mr. Miller's private security guards in Alaska detained and handcuffed one reporter, and threatened to handcuff two more, without any legal right to do so, at an event at a public school. The security company was operating with an expired license; its chief, has links to extremist organizations; and the defense was that the guards didn't know the individual was a reporter, which implies it would be just dandy to handcuff an ordinary citizen.

Mrs. Angle of Nevada, pressed by a television station for a statement about her national security and national defense policies about the two wars we are in, replied with a tautological answer and the suggestion that the reporter consult her website. He found that her security and defense policy statements were each one sentence long. She then banned all television from the last four days of her campaign.

The person they [the Tea Party radicals] all love the least is, of course, the President.

The Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for Congress from the Florida 22nd, Allen West, had to leave our military after threatening to kill an Iraqi he was interrogating. Now he claims to have a higher security clearance than does the President. Mr. West also told his supporters that they could defeat his Democratic opponent by making the man afraid to leave his own home.

And the Tea-Party-and-Republican-candidate for the House from the Michigan 7th, the ex-Congressman Tim Walberg, wants to blackmail the President into showing his birth certificate to Rush Limbaugh. He figures he can extort this from President Obama by threatening to impeach him.


And if no other fact convinces you of your obligation to vote and canvass and phone and even drag to the polls the most disheartened moderate or Democrat or Liberal or abandoned Republican or political neutral, to vote for the most tepid of the non-Insane candidates, if no other detail hands you that spark of argument with which to invigorate the apathetic, you need only commit to memory the words of Stephen Broden and Sharron Angle.

Mrs. Angle can run from reporters but she cannot run from this quote from January, and all the horror and insurrection it implies: "Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years. I hope that's not where we're going. But, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies."

Is Sharron Angle too subtle for you? "Second Amendment remedies” - guns instead of elections - too implicit?

Fortunately, to our rescue, to the speeding of the falling of the scales from our eyes, comes the Tea-Party-and-Republican nominee for the 30th Congressional District of Texas, "Pastor" Stephan Broden. "Our nation was founded on violence," said the man who also just accused Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg of being a eugenicist because he heard it on Glenn Beck.

As a Dallas TV camera continued to roll, he was asked: was armed insurrection, revolution, an option in 2010? "The option is on the table. I don't think that we should ever remove anything from the table… However, it is not the first option."

Read the whole thing, folks. And then:




Your country's future is at stake.


And for the love of God keep these right-wing lunatics from ruining our beloved country.

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