Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Is McCain's Violent Temper a Disqualification for the Presidency?

Read the disturbing details here.

Man, this guy is scary. He definitely has unresolved rage issues.


Anonymous said...

I think that it would be great to have a president with some spark. Teddy Roosevelt comes to mind. Maybe we would finally have a president who speaks his mind, not one who judges what to say by how the political wind is blowing.

Mehal said...

There's a difference between having spark and enthusiasm and been an angry raging person.


I don't think I can imagine TDR calling anybody a c***

Mehal said...


There's a difference between being enthusiastic and lively like Roosevelt, and being a flat-out mean person.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Teddy used more flambouyant language than most would think. Look at his background. Military service and an outdoorsman. Those people like to use a lot of swearing in their spoken words.