Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Most Dangerous Candidate: Giuliani

He lies in debates constantly, simply pulling "facts" from the air. He has grossly distorted his role in 9/11 to make himself look like a hero, when in fact his bungling cost the lives of countless rescuers. And he has an appetite for power and an intolerance of dissent. Kevin Drum notes this authoritarian streak here:
Choosing the best presidential candidate among the 2008 contenders is a tough job. Picking the worst is easy. Rudy Giuliani is the guy you'd get if you put George Bush and Dick Cheney into a wine press and squeezed out their pure combined essence: unbounded arrogance and self-righteousness, a chip on his shoulder the size of a redwood, a studied contempt for anybody's opinion but his own, a vindictive streak a mile wide, and a devotion to secrecy and executive power unmatched in presidential history. He is a disaster waiting to happen.
Amen to that! Giuliani must be stopped before he causes irreversible damage to our country. I'll do my part. How about you?


Anonymous said...

I have noticed a trend of your blogging. You must hate Rudy. Is he a threat to your Hillary the carpetbagger from Illinois. Do you not want to see another white man is office? Go Obama Go. Maybe you want the first Mormon President?

Joseph Miller said...

As it so happens, Hillary is not my choice, although I am confident she would defeat Giuliani. My choices (in order) are:


Yes, I loathe Giuliani. I think I've provided good rationale for it in my posts.

Anonymous said...

Gore is an interesting choice. Maybe he will be the dark horse in the next election. I don't believe he will throw his hat in the ring. It would be interesting if he won if he would turn the whitehouse into the "Greenhouse" with solar power and lesson it's carbon footprint.