Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm Discouraged; I'm Taking a Break for a While

I was hoping after the 2006 elections that the Democrats would actually fight back against the most unpopular president in modern American history and his corrupt, despicable gang of enablers in both Congress and the media.

I was wrong. The Democratic Party continues to cave in to the little son of a bitch every damn time.

This Petraeus bullshit was the last fucking straw. No, we can't defund the g-d damned war, but we can pass a resolution condemning an ad, thus making the Democrats look like utter fools and cowards, and, by the way, diverting attention away from actual issues. (Ooooh, we have to condemn a newspaper ad or Limbaugh and Fox "News" will call us unpatriotic. WTF is that??)

So right now, I'm utterly discouraged. The country is sliding into economic crisis, the Rightwing bastards are screaming for a war with Iran that will plunge the world into disaster, the little son of a bitch just asked for $200 BILLION more for his g-d damned war (and he'll get it), Blackwater mercenaries simply kill people in Iraq with impunity, our international standing has never been lower, and the corporate media spits on the Democrats, lies about them constantly, and holds them to an outrageous double standard. And what does the leadership of my party do? Surrender. Cave in. Ignore its strongest supporters. Cower in fear before Mr. 29% approval. Meanwhile, the progressive agenda that the American people actually favor (see my post, The Myth of a "Conservative America" right here) is ignored as conservative special interests continue to ride roughshod over the vast majority of the American people.

So screw it. I'm so sick and tired of politics right now I could puke. This country is DYING and my party's leadership doesn't have the nerve or the vision to stop it.

So I've got to think things over. I'll try to be back by 1 October. In the meantime, can I urge my few loyal readers and the occasional new reader to do me a favor? Look into the archives you see listed on the right side of this blog. Dive into them and see for yourself. I have fought my heart out in this little tiny blog. There are more than 1,300 posts over the last two years. Virtually every one of them has been in support of the Democratic cause. I'm wondering why the hell I'm doing it any more.

I have been a Democratic activist since 1992, when I converted from the Dark Side. I have poured time, energy, and money into building a Democratic majority that would fix the sicknesses and lies that are killing America. I've fought for the Democrats with all my heart.

I just wish they'd fight for me once in a while.


Bill Moser said...

Go Joe!
I feel the same way! Every time the Democrats call --about twice a month now, more frequently as election time nears -- I tell them they need to get some balls, that until they do, I can't give them any more money. They listen patiently and nothing happens. I wrote Barack, but he seems to be too busy campaigning to even acknowledge my letters. (What the hell are we paying him for?)
About twice a year I go on a news fast. I just don't read anything but the comics, I don't listen to radio news, I don't watch TV news (which is largely Brittney, Paris, and body bags anyway). I have decided to go on a "politics fast" for at least a week. As you say, despite what I've done for the Democrats, they don't do anything for me. It's no wonder 20 percent of qualified voters bother to vote.
When politicians stop lining their pockets and start doing their jobs, I'll be back.
Take good care.

Joseph Miller said...

Thank you, Bill. I get the sense that a lot of Democrats are feeling the same way right now.