Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Anonymous said...

I guess that my two daughters are in the car because they are establishing their selves in a different way. When you join the Military you are making a chose to throw down your life for your country. Life is full of choices. People need to take responsibility for theirs.

Joseph Miller said...

You're right. People do choose to be in the military, and they know the risks. But they also have a right to be sent on missions where their patriotism and idealism are not wasted by the hubris and incompetence of their leaders.

Genève said...

11th District update: WELLER ISN'T RUNNING IN 2008!

I know we can all sleep sounder tonight. Will Pavich try in 2008?

Joseph Miller said...

Yes, thank God! What a freaking weasel Weller is. I don't know if JP is running or not, but I think the Democrats have a good shot at this seat in '08.