Thursday, April 26, 2007

Keith Olbermann (Verbally) Caves Giuliani's Head In

It's a thing of beauty, and it's right here.

Oh baby.


Anonymous said...

A glorified sportscaster turned prophet. At least he has his facts right, but anytime that you look at a historical incident you need to look before it to see why it happened. Lets see. Bill Clinton was president for 8 years and his terrorist policy of fire a cruise missile once a year and back off totally stopped 911. He had the opportunity to take out Bin Laden and chose to watch the President's Cup golf match. Yes Olbermann has his facts on 911 but what happened before it is the most important items.

Joseph Miller said...

Anonymous, I hardly know where to begin. Every time Clinton attempted to act, right wing lunatics would shriek, "Wag the dog!", as if Clinton were merely attempting to divert attention from his personal issues. Clinton missed killing Osama by thirty minutes on one occasion. Operation Desert Fox in 1998 crippled Iraq's weapons programs. Clinton successfully prosecuted the scumbags that bombed the WTC in 1993. Sandy Berger tried to warn the incoming Bush team about the dangers of terrorism and was ignored. There are things Clinton should have done, in retrospect, but compared to Bush, his record shines.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry. I read what you wrote, I am wrong and you are right. Have a nice weekend. Can't wait to read what you write on Monday.

Joseph Miller said...

I don't want you to feel as if you need to concede or stop contesting your points. I welcome dialogue.