Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Thoughts on NewsMax and Dick Morris

Right wing smear sheet NewsMax recently ran an article reveling in the fact that former White House aide and general walking hemorrhoid Dick Morris is planning a major anti-Hillary "documentary" to help Swift Boat her candidacy. I received news of this via e-mail. I replied as follows:
1. It's NewsMax, your #1 Scaife funded "news" source on the paranoid-delusional right. If these idiots told me my own name, I'd still look at my license to double check. About 90% of NewsMax is straightup lying bullshit. The other 10% is simply insane.
2. Dick Morris has a pathological hatred for Hillary. Guess he needs to spend more time sucking the toes of hookers to assuage his anger. Then again, with him in a cathouse room, it would be hard to tell which person was the bigger whore.
3. A whopping 29% of a recent national sample wants to see a Republican elected in 2008. Oh my. That's not very many, is it?
4. Really, when you think about it, what shit can the rightwingers throw at Hillary that they haven't already? Calling her "Hitlery"? (Go ahead and Google the term.) Accusing her of having Vince Foster killed? The Whitewater "Scandal"? Being an international drug kingpin via the Mena, Arkansas airport? They've thrown everything at her. There's nothing left. I think a lot of rightwingers really hate her because they're scared of her--she beats the hell out of Republicans on election day, she knows how to fight dirty, and she's got a whole shitload of money. She can win--and they know it. And they've got nothing left to stop her with!
5. By the way, I'm supporting General Clark. But seeing Hillary as president would be so very VERY satisfying on some levels.
--It would finally push Bill O'Reilly over the edge on which he has been so dangerously teetering. They'd have to take him out in a straight jacket.
--Sean Hannity would chew off his own hands, thus destroying his sex life.
--Rush Limbaugh would be back on the Hillbilly Heroin.
--and best of all, Ann Coulter would finally overdose. Nobody would be able to tell the difference.
See yez later.

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