Sunday, February 04, 2007

Must See: The Power of Nightmares

Yes, I'm disappointed that my beloved Bears lost the Superbowl, but there are much more important things to think about. One of them is the 2004 documentary from the BBC called The Power of Nightmares. It is the story of the rise of two dangerously misguided movements: radical, violent Islamism in the Middle East and the neoconservatives in the United States. These two movements have both used irrational fears and mythology to gain power and influence. The series is so filled with shocking revelations that I think you'll be as floored as I was. No short summary on my part can do justice to this three hour epic, now available on Google Video.

Part One is here.

Part Two is here.

Part Three is here.
If you want a solid explanation of how we got into the current mess, and the true nature of the enemies we face, watch all three parts. And by the way, the Islamists and the neocons share one common feature: they both hate and fear human freedom and regard the whole liberal tradition as a threat. In a perverse sort of way, they were made for each other.
And both of them have to be defeated, for the sake of our survival.

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