Monday, December 04, 2006

Just in Time for the Holidays...The Worst of Everything!

Ten worst polluted places in the world.

Ten worst dictators in the world.

The world's worst city (surprise, surprise).

The worst regimes in the world.

Ten worst places in the world to be gay.

Ten worst album covers of all time.

The worst places in the world to visit.

The worst popular songs ever.

The worst people in history, although my list might be ordered differently.

The worst natural disasters ever, although many of them had human assistance.

The worst movies ever made.

The worst baseball teams of all time.

The worst food.

The worst toys.

Merry freaking Christmas.


Anonymous said...

What's wrong, J? Do you want to talk about it?

Joseph Miller said...

Nahh, just being my cynical self. Actually, some of this stuff is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

J, Wilde said that being cynical means that you know the price of everything but the value of nothing. Some of them are quite funny though, thanks for a good laugh.*

Anonymous said...

ah, sunshine and lollipops! Sunshine and lollipops.