Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Again, Look at What We're Up Against

Media Matters, one of the most valuable sites on the internet, has amassed a priceless collection of quotes from the right wing lunatics who are otherwise known as America's conservative political commentators. If you read them with the same kind of grim fascination I do, you'll note the following:
--The number of comments advocating murder or even genocide.
--The amount of vicious racism and sheer hatred in many of them.
--The mindless advocacy of violence as a cure-all in every situation.
--The vile, disgusting personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with them, often couched in terms of insulting the person's physical features.
--The repeated accusations of treason hurled at anyone who criticizes the Right or George Bush's insane policies.
--And of course, the rampant homophobia. Always.
Pathetic. Appalling. And utterly typical of the "quality" of right wing commentary in America.
Makes you wonder who America's enemies really are.

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