Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It Doesn't Work. Period.

So-called "abstinence only" education, that is. It's a complete failure, but that doesn't stop the Idiot Right from pushing it. New evidence:

A recent study commissioned by Congress concluded that abstinence-only programs are completely ineffective in preventing or delaying teenagers from having sexual intercourse. Nor do they lower unwanted pregnancy rates or lessen the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
The solution? Give young people accurate and honest information about sex, including information about contraception.
We can choose to live in some kind of idealized dream world where teenagers are chaste and studious and young people are imbued with "virtue"--or we can live in the world as it actually is. I choose to live in the latter.


Anonymous said...

hello j, i am just hoping you have made it to hawaii safe and sound, good luck in the future*

Joseph Miller said...

Pete (I'm assuming), we leave Wednesday. Thanks for the nice message. Aloha!

Anonymous said...

well safe travels*