Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Honorable John Edwards Withdraws
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Giuliani Falls! The Republic Can Breathe a Little Easier
Bye, Rudy! Make sure to let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Reflections on Reading Random Threads About Politics
It's the Great Fried Chicken Controversy!
Honest to God, every time I think politics and the way it's reported in this country have gotten as stupid as humanly possible, I get surprised. You'd think I'd know by now.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
They STILL Think the Iraq War Was a Good Idea
It's pretty sad when Ron Paul is the only sane one up there on this issue.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Now THIS F***ING Pisses Me Off
I'm for John Edwards and, failing that, Barack Obama. (Al Gore remains my true hero.) I am not for Hillary, although I will strongly support her in the general if she is our nominee. But by God, I'm not going to stand for this level of Republican gutter politics. (Can't you just see these little right wing BOYS who came up with this laughing and saying, "Duh, we called Hillary a c--t! Awesome, dude!")
We knew it was going to be rough, and this is just another example of how our "morally upright, family values" opponents intend to play it. I hesitate to publicize this filth, but I smell blowback in this effort, big time. Somewhere around 52% of the electorate is made up of women. If this is how the Republicans intend to "humorously" fight the first woman major party nominee, then I think a lot of women are going to g-d damned angry. This kind of misogynist shit may play with the cretins at Free Republic, but it sure as hell ain't gonna play in the general public. (And anyone who called any of my gals that name would have his face altered by yours truly.)
Occasionally, we get to see what our political enemies really are. Let this asshole Stone push this garbage. Let the little Republican boys wear this "funny" shirt. And then let every woman (and every man who loves and respects women) see what political party is associated with this viciously anti-woman garbage--and vote accordinglyWednesday, January 23, 2008
Something I Think You Need to See
A more telling comparison that reveals just how much worse we're doing can be found among the "current accounts" of various nations. The current account measures the net trade surplus or deficit of a country plus cross-border payments of interest, royalties, dividends, capital gains, foreign aid, and other income. For example, in order for Japan to manufacture anything, it must import all required raw materials. Even after this incredible expense is met, it still has an $88 billion per year trade surplus with the United States and enjoys the world's second highest current account balance. (China is number one.) The United States, by contrast, is number 163 -- dead last on the list, worse than countries like Australia and the United Kingdom that also have large trade deficits. Its 2006 current account deficit was $811.5 billion; second worst was Spain at $106.4 billion. This is what is unsustainable.
It's not just that our tastes for foreign goods, including imported oil, vastly exceed our ability to pay for them. We are financing them through massive borrowing. On November 7, 2007, the U.S. Treasury announced that the national debt had breached $9 trillion for the first time ever. This was just five weeks after Congress raised the so-called debt ceiling to $9.815 trillion. If you begin in 1789, at the moment the Constitution became the supreme law of the land, the debt accumulated by the federal government did not top $1 trillion until 1981. When George Bush became president in January 2001, it stood at approximately $5.7 trillion. Since then, it has increased by 45%. This huge debt can be largely explained by our defense expenditures in comparison with the rest of the world. [Emphasis added]
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Yes! One Year from Today he's GONE!!
- Force the Democratic leadership in Congress, especially the Senate, to stop letting the Republicans block everything by just threatening a filibuster. Throw legislation in their faces again and again. Make them go ON RECORD in an election year for repeatedly blocking the people's business.
- Come together in strong UNITY after a nominee has been selected, either after 5 February or later. And stop this damned, petty squabbling amongst ourselves, which is demoralizing many of us. The Democrats must present a UNITED FRONT. I don't give a damn WHO our nominee is--I'm going ALL OUT. And the Republicans need to know we mean business on this.
- No more Bush appointees to the Supreme Court should a vacancy occur. Hold Schumer to his word.
- Enforce the contempt of Congress rules against the Administration officials that are arrogantly ignoring subpoenas.
- Push the investigations of Bush-Cheney corruption even harder, especially against Halliburton and Blackwater.
- Continue the Democratic boycott of Fox "News". In fact, I wouldn't even let those assholes onto the floor in Denver.
- Tie Bush around the neck of every Republican running for office, including St. John McCain should he be the Republican nominee. They were more than happy to prosper when W was semi-popular; let them politically die with him now.
Any others you can think of?
The Catastrophe of Republican Fiscal "Management"
The Federal Debt began to explode under Ronald Reagan and George Bush the Elder. Notice how it leveled off in the 1990s under a DEMOCRATIC president. And then notice the apocalyptic turn it has taken under the Boy King, George the Tragic.
Three conservative presidents. SEVENTY PER CENT of all the national debt in our history. A staggering burden for our children and grandchildren. Welcome to the legacy of the modern Republican Party.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Lying Racist Scum Going After Obama
American conservatives already suspect that Obama Jr's much proclaimed opposition to America's war against Muslim terrorist [sic] in Iraq is more about his Muslim heritage than peace. Obama Jr's "I don't think we're at that stage yet" answer to Sawyer stirred immediate reaction from a former U.S. Congressman who saw the Sawyer interview. "Yet? We all know what that means. If elected, at what stage will Barack Obama be willing to send American servicemen and women into the Kenyan meat grinder."
Since the Kikuyu tribe of President Kibaki was the target of the killings and members of the Obama Jr's Lou [sic] tribe were doing the killing, one can image what the Kikuyu tribe thought of U.S. presidential candidate Obama Jr's plea for peace.
Aha! Obama's not only a secret Muslim, he opposes fighting terrorism and his true loyalties lie with his ancestral tribe in Kenya! The whole article, by the way, shouts "Muslim! Muslim! Muslim!" and repeats every single right wing canard about Obama's upbringing and faith.
Karl Rove, of course, is already sending out the dog whistles to the Right. Keith Olbermann caught the sound (via Raw Story):
"No official endorsements for Senator Clinton today," Olbermann stated, "but it sure appeared as if Karl Rove was back to backing the candidate he'd love to see beaten ... writing an op-ed in the now Murdoch-owned Murdoch Street Journal, in which he explains why Mrs. Clinton won in New Hampshire and otherwise eviscerates Senator Obama, saying of the Illinois Democrat's performance at the debate Saturday, 'His trash talking was an unattractive carryover from his days playing pickup basketball at Harvard, and capped a mediocre night.'"...
The racist slant of Rove's op-ed has already been widely noted among bloggers, with one of the more vehement writing, "When you take into consideration the malevolent genius of Karl Rove - The god damned Johnny Appleseed of fear harvesting - and understand that the higher echelon of the Republican base is being spoon-fed a concoction that consists of a feminist-socialist lesbian wife of a shill president or a lazy, jive-talking, b-ball playing huckster boy politician from Chicago ... Rove's ability to triangulate issues and interweave them with subtle strereotypical imagery would be fun to read if it was fiction. Unfortunately in real life, the fat master has stirred and is testing the waters to see if his style of politics still plays."
And in a blast from the past, here:
It took only 31 minutes for the Republicans to start the racist attacks against Barack Obama. At 7:27 PM, Jim wrote an article here at Irregular Times about a leak from Senator Barack Obama’s staff indicating that Obama will be running for President of the United States in 2008.
At 7:58 PM, an anonymous reader wrote that Barack Obama’s campaign for President is just “typical black behavior trying to “move up” in the world before he knows better to really do it”.
It will take all of our strength to fight this racist filth. The progressive blogosphere must be resolute in waging war against the Republicans who are pushing these lies and stereotypes. Any disputes we have among ourselves pale in comparison to the 180 degree separation between us and the right wing. We need to remember that, and Clinton supporters, Edwards supporters, and Obama supporters must all fight as one against the Republican fear campaign.
They're not getting away with it again. Not this time, G-d damn it. Not ever.
Hat tips: MyDD, Pandagon
Disgusting Neo-Confederate Idiots Backing Huckabee
I think I've made my views on all this crystal clear, but just in case you missed them, here you go:
My quote from the above cited post:
The Republicans who defend the Confederate flag are KISSING THE ASS OF RACISTS in order to win the votes of RIGHT WING REDNECK IDIOT NEANDERTHAL PINHEADS.
[And that goes double for Huckabee.]
Screw the Confederacy now and forever.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Mike Huckabee: Walking Disaster Area
Second, he thinks the Constitution should be rewritten to conform to "God's standards"--presumably as determined by him.
Third, there's this:
Other than Giuliani, Huckabee is the most dangerous candidate in a wretchedly bad Republican field. That says something.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bush on the Verge of Setting New Unpopularity Record
Just 32 percent of Americans now approve of the way Bush is handling his job, while 66 percent disapprove. Bush's work on the economy has likewise reached a new low. And he shows no gain on Iraq; despite reduced violence there, 64 percent say the war was not worth fighting, 2 points from its high.
Intensity of sentiment, moreover, remains very heavily against the president. Fifty-one percent strongly disapprove of his work overall, while just 16 percent strongly approve -- strongly negative by better than a 3-1 ratio.
Bush is at career lows in approval in three groups as well as overall -- among liberals (9 percent approve of his work), moderates (24 percent) and independents -- the center of American politics -- among whom just 25 percent approve.
The president's low overall ratings fuel one other result, perhaps an obvious one: Seventy-nine percent of Americans say his successor should take the nation in a different direction.
The Ugly, Perverse Sickness of Chris Matthews
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The GOP: Flirtin' With Disaster
Currently just 41 percent of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, up from 36 percent in June 2007 but actually down from 44 percent in September 2006. A total of 48 percent of Americans view the GOP unfavorably, a significantly higher negative rating than that registered by the Democrats...
[In regard to candidates]Specifically, 52 percent of respondents indicated they would definitely not vote for Huckabee, while 55 percent said the same of Giuliani and 62 percent said the same of Romney. While just 43 percent said that they would not consider supporting John McCain in November, no Democrat faced a higher level of opposition. What's more, McCain's hard support was less that than for either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, indicating less excitement about his candidacy than for the candidacies of the leading Democratic candidates.
Obama 59 Romney 37
Obama 49 McCain 48
Obama 58 Huckabee 39
Clinton 55 Giuliani 42
Clinton 58 Romney 40
Clinton 50 McCain 48
Clinton 56 Huckabee 42
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Attack of the Right Wing Pinheads: Fox "News" vs. Barack Obama
Really, the idiots at Fox are so transparently biased and so hilariously heavy-handed in their right-wing propagandizing that it's a miracle anyone in America takes them seriously. Obama is 100% correct to boycott them.
Friday, January 11, 2008
A Country Headed to Its Death, Part 923
--The Republican candidates for president are all (except Ron Paul) beating the drums for a war with Iran, even a preemptive strike with nuclear weapons, on merely the suspicion that Iran is working on its own nukes.
--Rudolph Giuliani has proposed a tax cut more than twice the size of the catastrophic, irresponsible Bush tax cuts that have helped push this country toward fiscal meltdown. Giuliani's tax cut is just as gruesomely aimed at the rich as was Bush's. So what if the country's national debt will already be $11,000,000,000,000 by 2010? Screw it! Make the kids and grandkids pay for it! (And some conservative groups say Giuliani hasn't gone far enough! Ha!)
--Our national political discourse is run by cretins with the maturity and mentality of 14 year olds. Read The Daily Howler on a regular basis to see just how bad it really is (or read Glenn Greenwald, for that matter). Exhibit A: Chris "Man Crush on W" Matthews. Exhibit B: Maureen "Death to Hillary" Dowd. Exhibit C: William Kristol. (I like the nickname "Bill the Butcher" for Kristol, don't you?)
--Our conservative leaders are so committed to the destruction of government that there is literally NO area of public administration that they have not virtually ruined by corruption and incompetence. Right-wing hacks and corporate rich boys run almost every agency of the government. Cases in point: FEMA and the federal agencies that monitor the mining industry. Hey idiots: COUNTRIES HAVE TO BE GOVERNED.
--Our mainstream culture continues to be obsessed with celebrity news, reality tv, and other wretched vomit at the sacrifice of a broadly informed public. Case in point: the insane amount of coverage given to the pathetic Britney Spears. (But don't worry--the next time a white girl goes missing on vacation, that will get 24/7 news coverage.)
An empire overstretched. An economy near the crisis point. Public discourse that is beyond idiotic. A government rife with corruption. A people drowning in irrelevance and debt. Do you ever wonder why I get discouraged? Nations have life spans, just like people. Our right-wing dominated political leadership and media are doing their damnedest to cut our country's life span as much as possible. And the weak vessel of the Democratic Party has to stop them.
Oh well. We tried to keep our founders' vision going.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
John McCain: Economic Illiterate
“Tax cuts increase revenues,” [Senator McCain] told Charlie Rose in November.
“Tax cuts don’t pay for themselves, but pro-growth tax cuts — especially along with spending restraint — spur the economy, which raises incomes, and offsets the revenue loss.”
Which is not, as best I can tell, a retraction.
But my favorite episode of McCainian economic illiteracy has to be the joke he frequently tells about Democratic efforts to fund the S-CHIP health program with increased cigarette taxes:
"And by the way, a dollar a pack increase for cigarettes? So we want to take care of children's health and we want everybody to smoke? I don't get it."
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
New Hampshire Will Be Blue in November
Now the political/media circus moves to South Carolina and Florida. The folks there have my sympathies.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Not to be a Buzzkill, but We All Need to CALM DOWN
I was proud and happy to vote for Barack Obama for the Senate in 2004, back when I lived in Illinois. He really is a remarkable individual, and he won a victory of enormous size over the lunatic Alan Keyes. And while I am an Edwards supporter, I am delighted that Obama is doing so well. If he is our nominee, I will go 100% ALL OUT for him. I will do anything I can to help him. He would be light years better than anyone the Republicans might nominate. Having said all that...
And about the elephant in the room...
In the Deep South many white voters will say they are considering Obama, but how many will vote for him? It's just an ugly fact: black candidates in the South historically underperform their poll numbers with whites. We cannot count on a single southern state--again--unless the African-American turnout is spectacular. That leaves us needing to add to Kerry's states from 2004, and that could be tough. We need Ohio, for sure. We need New Mexico and Nevada. Iowa is in good shape for us now, but we're 10 months away. And can we hold Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan? It makes me sad to say it, but racism is still an issue, whether we acknowledge it or not. This is going to be a gunfight, and it will be a particularly nasty one. American conservatism is PREDICATED on racial and ethnic hatred. Obama has a real chance to make history in November, but there's a huge barrier he must overcome. It's just that simple.
When the Republicans argue that Obama has relatively little experience in the Big Leagues, how will we respond, especially if McCain is their nominee?
When the Republicans point out Obama's (outstanding) progressive record and scream "Liberal! Liberal! Liberal!", how do we beat this attack back?
And when the Right begins its (subtle to not-so-subtle) racial smear campaign, how will we respond?
Some of you will say, snarkily, "Oh let's just surrender to our fears and not nominate Obama." I'M NOT SAYING THAT. But a lot of my fellow Kossacks are letting their hearts run away with them. You've practically got Obama being sworn in right now, and you need to get a grip. If Obama is our guy, he can't play nice with these bastards. He's going to have to fight. And, as I said the other day, it will be up to those of us in the trenches to win it for him if he wants to take the high road.
I admire and respect Barack Obama, community organizer, state legislator, U.S. Senator, 46 year old political dynamo. But he ain't won nothin' yet, and the right is about to launch attacks on him more relentless than any we have ever seen. Think McGovern, Gore, and Kerry had tough fights? Wait until you see the right wing white male power structure go after the first black American with a real shot at the White House. So to all my Kos friends who love Obama, I say, calm down. We've got a hell of a lot of work to do, and this thing is just getting started.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
PLEASE Read Glenn Greenwald Today
The "bourgeois riot" celebrated by Wall Street Journal columnist Paul Gigot helped stop the announced manual recount of the 10,750 undervote in Miami-Dade County. Instigated by an order from New York congressman John Sweeney to "shut it down," dozens of screaming GOP demonstrators pounded on doors and a picture window at elections headquarters. The canvassing board, which had already found a net Al Gore gain of 168 votes, reversed a decision it had made a couple of hours earlier to begin a tally of the undervote.
The mob gang-rushed a local Democrat carrying a blank sample ballot. They threatened that a thousand Cubans were on their way to the headquarters to stop the count. Several people were "trampled, punched or kicked," according to The New York Times. The canvassing board chair at first conceded that mob pressures played a role in the shutdown -- which cost Gore the 168 votes as well -- but later reversed his position. . . . .
Instead of condemning the Dade tactics, W. himself called the victory party that night to praise them, and Republicans invoked the specter of Jesse Jackson, who'd merely led peaceful protests outside election offices.The "certain segment" creating "social unraveling" and blocking vote-counting in 2000 with their thug tactics wasn't quite the same as the "certain segment" which Goldberg and Reynolds are ominously warning will riot in the event of an Obama loss: Most of those fist-waiving, threatening protesters were actually aides to GOP establishment figures, including Fred Thompson, Tom DeLay, Jim DeMint, and the NRCC, shipped to Miami to create a climate of intimidation and thus prevent pro-Gore votes from being counted. [End excerpt]
By sending forth Hussein Osama out of Iowa, Democrats have unwittingly weakened their general election prospects.
Hussein's exotic mixture of radical liberalism, Kwanzaa Socialism, antipathy towards the unborn, and weakness against his jihadi brethren will all come back to destroy him against almost any Republican opponent, even the snake-grope from Hope. . . .
As defenders of this great Republic, and of the pinnacle of Western civilization that it represents, we should all come together tonight and agree on a common strategy that will keep the White House from becoming a madrassa.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Yes, Iowa--and America--Will Go Blue
Total Voter Turnout (approximate)
Percentage of total vote
24.5% Obama
20.5% Edwards
19.8% Clinton
11.4% Huckabee (R)
Whoa. Their BEST guy was wiped out by our THIRD best? It's easy to see which side has the fire and the enthusiasm.
(From Group News Blog here.)
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Democratic Caucus Goers in Iowa Outnumber Republicans 2-1
Mike Huckabee slammed Willard Romney to the floor (ha!) and Giuliani finished with 4% (ha ha ha ha ha ha!). I say go Huckabee. The establishment Republicans hate his guts.
This roller coaster is just getting started, everyone.
UPDATE: Make that 236,000 attendees.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
My 2 Cents on Iowa and New Hampshire
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
The Goal in 2008: a Democratic Party That Deserves Victory